Thursday, May 27, 2010

Livin' the Dream!

As the holiday weekend approaches, I’m realizing that I’ve called Austin home for almost 2 months. Though, as most of you know, I’ve spent the better part of the first six weeks flying back and forth to California, with a brief stop in Michigan to visit my family, my bestest friend, my beautiful nieces and to see my friend, Katie, tie the knot.

It wasn’t until earlier in the week that it actually hit me… “WOW, I live in Austin. Weird.”

With my project in Orange County all wrapped up, I’ve spent the last couple of weeks, better known as my first real weeks, in Austin feeling what unemployment feels like. I honestly feel like since August, since the sliver moon, since this journey began – I’ve been running. Running across the country, through airports, through lunches, dinners, drinks, customs and TSA security check-points. My mind has been occupied with planning the next destination, and making sure it goes off without a hitch. In between I worked, and thought of work. That all changed 15 days ago.

The last couple of weeks I’ve actually had the opportunity to feel at peace. To feel relaxed. Selfishly I slept-in. Until now, this was something I was convinced I could not do, turns out, I can. Greedily, I spent time soaking up the Texas sunshine at the pool. I, Anna Lauri, have the beginnings of tan lines, in May. I’ll stop for a moment while you all pick up your jaws from the floor. Shocking, right? My running shoes came out of the closet, I ran. I re-connected with old friends, caught up with others and met new friends. I’ve laughed, ate my veggies, and realized I need to use my willpower to stay gluten-free. I marveled at Austin’s beauty, the trees, the water. I was given permission to take the “rest of the week off.” And I did. I reconnected with me.

And with that reconnection, strangely came focus. I’ve had some really great phone calls and meetings this week, and I’m really excited about hitting the ground running after this holiday weekend comes to a close. Lists are my thing, and I have lists’a’plenty – of ways to network and market my business, people who I need to connect with, and things to do. I’m giddy with excitement for what the future holds – I’m committed to living my dream, not one which I believe society (or anyone else) should want me to live. (Please remind me of this – as I know I’ll need a reminder time and time again…)

Now I ask you… have you taken time for yourself lately? Are you living YOUR dream?

Back to list making I go...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for a great reminder. I need to give myself permission to chill. I've been going 100 miles an hour and if the phone is silent or if I'm caught up on my work for more than a day I worry and wonder what else I should be doing to make my dream happen.

    I dream is happening, this is it and it includes down time!

    Thanks Anna!

