Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Unicorn hunting!!

So my last entry was a bit dire, admittedly I was in a strange place. I sat there for a whole weekend. Finally, I reached out – for the support, understanding, encouragement and perspective I needed. I hung out in my head for far too many days, and it was clear I was getting no where – if I was going to go there alone.

There are some people in your life who you know just really get you. Like they get you on this level, that at times, you don’t really get you. They can get you out of your head, out of your story and out of your shit so fast…you wonder why it took so long to connect with them.

The resolution we came to that night:

I have been treating my new lift in Austin, as it was my life in Orange County. I hadn’t gotten a chance to recognize I’d been here for all of two and half months and it would be nearly impossible to build the life I had built over the course of almost 9 years in Southern California. I was so used to having a busy schedule full of different friends and activities, I felt sad, left out and lonely here because I had depended on a few to do the job of what many had been doing.

I’ve been underwhelmed. I’m a busy girl, I like a busy schedule…here in Austin, it was pretty uneventful for the most part. Things here and there…but I didn’t have that comfortable feeling of being overwhelmed.

I thought the friendships I’ve built here would automatically be at the level of understanding as my friends back in California.

I’m an extrovert. I need to feel the energy of people around me – and sitting in my apartment alone wasn’t cutting it!

So with that…I wiped the snot from my nose, put some makeup on, changed my clothes and went to the Bar and Grill down the street from where I live. If it cost me ten bucks for some beers to watch the game with other people around – it was worth the ten bucks for my mental health. Feeling totally recharged and me again, I went to bed that night vowing to do what I needed to do make sure I’m taking care of myself and I’m actively building a life here in Austin.

Needless to say, it’s been a busy, but amazing couple of weeks since that entry below. I’ve attended countless networking events, I’ve applied for part-time and volunteer positions, I’ve tried new things and met new people. I’m really hopeful for the next few weeks. I have this sneaky suspicion good things are on the horizon – I can almost feel their energy now!

Bring it!! I'm soooo ready for you!

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