Monday, August 23, 2010

Ms. Cleo was a psychic...

Have you ever wanted to know what the future held? I mean…if you did would it make life easier or harder to deal with? Would you try to craft your thinking and decisions around what you were told might be?

I was in San Francisco recently having a little reunion with the American side of Team USA (you may remember these people as the ones I went to the other side of the world with to Cape Town, South Africa). After a night out with the girls, and maybe a drink or five…we all decided that we wanted to go to a psychic. Yes, that’s right, not one of us had been to a psychic.

I’ll admit, I’ve always been skeptical of these people… I mean, really…knowing the future and the past of people who they’ve never met? Be serious. I went in with an open mind – sort of. “You’ll be successful… there is money coming your way… there is travel in your future… someone close to you who’s recently become distant with you – it’s not you, it’s them…they had things they needed to work out without you… someone close to you is expecting a baby, which sibling could this be?” She was on it, until she got to the sibling part. “Ok, well who in your friends or family could be pregnant she asked? It’s so strong, it’s someone close to you…could it be you?” Well, Ms. Cleo, I thought…I’m 31, I suppose any of my friends could be pregnant, but it’s most certainly not be me. She shrugged and insisted someone close to me was either with child…or about to be. That’s the only thing she seemed really adamant about. That’s the only thing that I thought could really be out of my control. I mean…I control my success, my wealth and my travel agenda, right?

“Any questions,?” she asked.

“Ummm…will I ever fall in love, get married?”

“You need to stop looking. He will find you. He will introduce himself to you – you won’t be expecting it. Be patient”

To which I think…Lady! If I’m driving around and all I need is a parking spot… how do you suggest I stop looking for a parking spot? Ugh.

I’m sure she senses my frustration with her answer – which wasn’t really an answer at all in my book. She’s a psychic, right, she knows I’m thinking this. And yes, I know in my heart of hearts, it’s not because I’m unloveable – it’s because I require a love and a friendship so great, that those I’ve encountered aren’t willing or able to provide. I’ll try my hand at this patience she spoke of – knowing that when it DOES happen (she said it would) it’s gonna be amazing and right.

In the meantime…who’s baby shower do I need to start planning?

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