Sunday, April 15, 2012

blessed beyond measure!

After a crazy, fun, sleepless, overwhelming, exhausting, exhilarating, silly and drunk time at SXSW… I got a job offer.  One that’s been in the making for a while.  But it finally came through.  And after pushing my body to the outer limits at SX… I was ready for a break.  I decided I needed some time to myself to get some things wrapped up in Austin.  And I’d committed to a couple of side jobs.  After this week of focusing on my life in Austin, without the looming stressor of finding a job, I decided I needed to feel the love.  So to California I went, for one incredible week.

I’ve said before, my love language is “quality time”… but man, did that trip do something tremendous for my spirit.  To be honest, my week was slightly packed… lunch with this person, coffee with this person, dinner and drinks here-rearranged lunches to breakfasts, etc.  But when I looked at that line-up of people I was going to see and spend time with, I couldn’t have been more excited – they’re exactly what my soul needed. 

From the moment I got there, I felt loved beyond measure.  Misa had her place stocked with all of my favorite things, from Crown Royal and Tito’s Vodka, to all of my favorite snacks from Trader Joe’s.  She had fresh flowers in my bedroom and a birthday card waiting for me.  It was better than checking into the Four Seasons… not going to lie.  She introduced me to her fiancé… whom treated us both to pedicures.  We watched a movie.  And then she treated her finance and I to massages while she made us a delicious dinner.  Perfect first night.  So thankful for Misa and so proud of the woman she’s become since I met her… and so very excited for her future with Danny.

My second day, I drove to Orange County to have breakfast with the Gurski’s.  I met Mateo for the first time and was amazed at how much Davis has grown.  He’s truly a little boy now… one who loves his baby brother more than anything.  Spending time with them brought me back to my life in Orange County.   They were truly my family there. 

Next stop was Hermosa to see Jen and Jon.  Two of my very first friends in California.  And to this day… two of my very best friends in this world.  True to form, we met up on the Pier, we went to Barnacles and caught up… and proceeded to Sharkeez and Poop Deck.  There’s something about being with the two of them, at this little beach city that calmed my mind.  This week was going to be incredible.  I could feel it.

The first part of my week I spent in Orange County… I had lunch with Peter.  Happy hour with Vadim and dinner with he, Jeff and Beth (and their new growing baby bump!)  and Dustin and Val.  As much as Jeff drove me crazy when I first met him, he’s one person that has truly been there for me, and supported me in so many ways – so appreciative of him.  If I could pick brothers… it would absolutely, without a doubt be Dustin and Jeff.  I went home to Loretta’s house where I was greeted with a huge hug and a glass of wine.  Perfection. 

Tuesday was started with an early breakfast with Eric, my old boss and my mentor to anything in life.  He gets me on a level that few do.  After that, I went to Red Mountain… where I grew to be the Anna I am today.  I caught up with Ashley, Kathryn and Karen.  As much as I miss them, there is something about those walls, and not being a part of it anymore that I find to be a blessing.  I am happier.  Confident.  Dinner was with an old friend… who started out as a Facebook friend.  Random right?  It’s always amazing to me who comes into your life… the impact they have, and who stays and who goes.  I’m thankful for how our friendship has grown. 

Wednesday felt like a busy, busy day.  I met Chad and Christina at their place.  Crazy to think I lived there for 5 years.  I miss my talks with Chad about life, love and everything in between.  I’m happy for the life he has with Christina.  After that I met an old friend from Architecture school who happened to live in Orange County.  We hadn’t seen each other in years – so great to catch up.  Lunch was with two of my favorite women, Kristin and Metriese.  Such a good time catching up with them and feeling the love. 

After lunch, I hightailed it to Huntington Beach to meet Ms. Anna Padilla.  Again, it’s incredible how people come into your life, and the timing of the words they share with you.  I wouldn’t have considered myself that good of friends with Anna when we worked together… but I was inclined to see her, to chat and to catch up.  She’s a wise woman, someone who genuinely cares for others and their happiness.  We had some great conversations about love and friendships.  About setting boundaries, not living in fear of the unknown and following your heart.  I left truly happy and inspired… and decided to take the long way back to Misa’s… along PCH.  There’s something about being near the water that re-sets my soul.
Thursday morning, Misa left for work early and to my surprise her finance made me breakfast.  Loved that!  I ventured back to the South Bay for lunch with Beckie.  It seems like forever since I’ve seen or caught up with her.  She said something while we gorged on our Counter burgers… “We are all changed because of that day we all watched the game together”… then I thought, what if I hadn’t met any of these people I was busy spending time with?  How different would I be? 

That afternoon I took a quick run, showered and left to meet Shultzy at MB Sharkeez.  Our friendship has had its ebbs and flows for sure.  We met when we were 23, and fairly new to the South Bay.  We’ve had moments in our friendship where one of us was genuinely interested in the other, but the other wasn’t interested at the same time.  We’ve fought.  We’ve not spoke for months.  We’ve gotten to a really good place.  An honest place and a safe place – where it’s ok to set boundaries and tell each other what we need in friendship.  I’ve struggled with some friendships lately… I’ve been desperately learning to listen to my heart and to not be compelled to do, be or say things out of obligation.  It’s my friendship with Jon that makes me hopeful for other friendships I have in my life.  I like who we’ve grown to be, as individuals and as friends. 

After dinner with Jon, I went back to Holly and Scott’s place.  I am so thankful that their journey brought them to California.  Albeit, after my journey took me away.  The time I spend with the two of them is comfortable, easy.  We catch up and all of us hit the hay early… because some of us have to work in the morning. 

Friday was virtually a revolving door of friends… when one friend left, another showed up.  I woke up early to take a run on the strand with Jon.  He asked me if I’d ever want to move back.  I don’t think I would.  But this place will always be a part of me.  Will always have a place in my heart.  I think I became who I am because of this place… and because of the friendships and relationships I’ve built there.  It was good to take in the fresh morning air with someone whose friendship I so appreciate – I was sad to have to say goodbye to him. 

Misa arrived as Jon was leaving… we got Nikos and headed back to the strand.  It was such a nice morning… we leisurely walked back to the MB pier and headed to Starbucks to get a quick coffee for me.  After our walk, we decided that we’d put some goals together.  Both of us have been itching to get some things accomplished and wanted to hold one another accountable.  We did this on swings; kicking our legs to the blue of the Pacific Ocean, wind in our hair.  It was perfect. 

Lunch that day was with my favorite Mexicans… don’t take this the wrong way… it’s an inside joke.  Melissa and I met back when I moved BACK to California from Michigan.  We worked together and welded a friendship.  A friendship that lasted through a jobs that took us away from one another and moves that took me out of the State.  Melissa and I have a ton of fun together… usually are shenanigans involve a lot of laughing and a fair amount of booze. We’ve pirated a boat together, voted on ponies and we’ve had a pitchers of beer for breakfast (really).  Her smile laugh and energy amaze me. Aldo is usually the responsible one, the one who cuts us off, drives us home safely and diverts bar fights.  This is the first time in a long time, we were all together, and Melissa wasn’t drinking… they’re expecting their first baby and I couldn’t be an ounce more happy for them.  Melissa and Aldo married young, and every time I see them I comment on how cool it’s been to see them mature into the people they are now… and how they’ve grown in their marriage.  Love them!

After lunch, I had a solid 3 minutes to myself before Holly got home from work… with her fancy new feet…  We cracked some champagne and started making a yummy dinner that we hosted at her place for Jen, her friend and us.  Such a good time connecting over good food, great wine and amazing friends.  Seriously… I’m not sure what I’d do if these folks weren’t in my life. 

Saturday was the day I was to head home… I was missing my bed.  Missing Stella.  But so grateful for the good times I had connecting with these folks that mean so much to me.  We were all slow to start the day.  Scott made Holly and I his grandmother’s buttermilk pancakes – so good.  Then I headed back to Hermosa Beach – bottomless mimosas with Jen, Danielle, Lauren and Ryan and Metirese and Carl showed up minutes before I was to head back to the airport. 

I left feeling so loved.  So thankful.  And so blessed beyond measure.  These people were with me through some times of growth, challenge, success, failure and transition.  I made the tough decision two years ago to leave Orange County and Southern California and leave this wonderful life I built behind me.  It took coming back to make me realize that this life is not behind me, it will forever be a part of me.  These people are tied to my heart and I’m thankful they’re still a part of my support system and my life!  I’m writing this so I remember that feeling – so in moments of confusion, unrest or anxiety, I can tap back into it and remember that I am loved, no matter where I’m at or what I’ve done or said – there are people in this world who will stop what they’re doing to be with me, connect with me and love me.  


  1. It was a blessing for me as well Countess Anna of Orange County. There are times when we all have feelings of "being alone", but when we stop and listen....we remember that we are not. Somewhere, someone is thinking about us...even if we do not realize it at the time. The "welcome home" mat will always be waiting for you. XO, LAF

  2. Amazing - like you, my friend! It was great to see you, catch up and share a piece of your spirit. Yes, you are loved and will never be alone or forgotten. Continue to live life to the fullest, tossing aside the spoils and holding on to the rewards! Big hugs, Metriee
