Tuesday, April 30, 2013

“Ancora imparo” – Michelangelo

Words are escaping me – emotions are not.  Tears slowing started rolling down my cheeks twelve short hours ago, only slowing enough to have a fragmented sleep and to eat.  There’s really no reason to cry – which tells me it’s a joyful and grateful place that the emotions swelling up from.

This past weekend was a weekend filled with laughter, silliness, deep and thought-provoking conversation, apparition spotting and adventure.  My worlds collided again and two people from my life were introduced – to one another and to something so incredibly special to me.


He came into my life when I didn’t really know who I was, or where I was headed.  I was in my early twenties – a free spirit connected to another. Our friendship evolved from college football, beer and shenanigans to lofty goals and personal growth.  He was there waiting at one of the most powerful and defining moments of my life – waiting with a strong hug and pride for what I had accomplished as I crossed the finish line of my first marathon.

We are rivals.  Our friendship didn’t make sense to those closest to us.  But it never mattered to us. 

As we got older, our lives took us to different places.  He married a beautiful woman who he had loved before – and who accepted him for who he was, is and would become.  Which is exactly what he deserves, and what I'd wish for him.  I moved to Austin – to continue on my journey.


She came into my life shortly before I moved to Austin.  Slightly younger than I was when I met him.  She has and still does (I think) look up to me – refers to me as her mentor.  I feel honored that my life and the lessons I’ve learned along the way are of value to her.  But somehow in those years, she’s picked up wisdom along the way that I admire.  She provides comfort and cheerleading in ways I’m sure she’s not even aware of.


I had the opportunity to introduce these two - who I admire and appreciate for who they are – and also, for who they allow (and encourage) me to be. An old friend.  A newer friend.  Both equally important to me.  Both having been a part of my life and journey.  Both teaching me lessons along the way.  Both sharing in memories that I’ll carry with me for my lifetime.  My heart was filled up in the time the three of us shared. 

Through the sounds of the French Quarter, I stopped to listen to the voice of my heart softly telling me to cherish these moments – they’ll soon pass.  With everything that was in me, I wanted to stall the night from ending.  Methodically, taking mental notes and pictures, knowing that I can’t stop time.  With one fierce hug, I said goodbye to my friend and got into a cab with the other.  Tears slowly started making their way down my cheeks. 


It wasn’t the goodbye.  It was the gratitude for having people in my life who really, truly get me, accept me, for who I was, am and who I will become.  Who understand me.  Who want me to succeed at life, love and happiness as much as I want to.  It was the realization that life is short and there are a finite amount of moments like these.  It was the realization that true, authentic friends are scattered around the globe and there are more out there then there are in Austin.  It was the frustration that they all can’t be in one place, together, for me.  It was the appreciation that they’re not, but that doesn’t matter – because the distance or passage of time doesn’t seem to matter with friends like these.  It was the gratitude that I have for having friendships like theirs – and the awareness that not every person walking this earth will have the opportunity to feel what this kind of friendship feels like.  It was the realization that I’m deserving of this kind friendship – I’m deserving because it’s exactly what I offer. 

Lessons are presented each and every day.  People come into our lives for a reason.  I know this.  They arrive in perfect timing.  We vacillate between the teacher and the student with one another  - in the dance of life.  

“Ancora imparo” – Michelangelo

Thank you both (and others) for lovingly accepting me as the teacher and the student.  My heart and life are more full because of your sprit, energy and laughter.  Cahcah!  And Misa - thanks for letting me be your soul sister!  

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