Sunday, January 17, 2010

Go to your home! What are you too good for your HOME?

My brain is overwhelmed right now. Thoughts twisting in and out, up and down and all around. This feeling tells me I need to write. Writing gives my mind order. So does running…but I already ran today, and now it’s dark and rainy, so I’ll write.

Last week Wednesday I began the journey to Texas. I mean, I made the decision to relocate my life there nearly three weeks ago, but last week, I actually loaded up my car and drove. With my three favorite worldly possessions: my LG TV, my Calpholon pans, and my Cat, Stella, I drove all the way to Austin.

Being in the car that long…just you and your thoughts, can be both overwhelming and affirming. I learned that the DTE on my car changes, often, and seeing how far you can go without stopping for gas should be avoided, especially in West Texas. I was reminded that with each setting sun, a new day is promised. Thankfully, I saw some amazing sunsets to reinforce this revelation. I learned that Costco is more amazing than I originally thought, as it got me a discount at my hotel in Las Cruces, NM. I learned that Stella, is not as into traveling as I am. I discovered beauty in each and every state I crossed. I realized that with age, comes a sense of mortality and an appreciation for the life you have – with that, I decided to avoid Chucacabras and flat tires, and stop earlier than I wanted. I learned that tires are cheaper in Texas.

As I approached Austin, I thought to myself, “Really?” Scott asked me that night if it “felt like home yet”. I didn’t know what to make of that. I mean, how could it feel like home? Only a carload of my things was with me, I didn’t have an apartment, I didn’t have a job, or the means to really build my business…how could it feel like home?

Then I realized, it’s none of that which makes any place feel like home. It’s the people who share the space around me that create my feeling of home. Let’s face it folks…I haven’t technically had a home, at least not my own, since November. Thankfully, I have been blessed to feel at home, so long as I feel love around me.

In the moments I forget this, I feel overwhelmed at all I need to do to get back to Austin, to make it my new home. So I pledge to do my best to remember the amazing friends and family I have, who support my decisions, who offer advice and encouragement…who love me, wherever I’m at. Because that’s home.

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