Sunday, January 17, 2010

New Year, New Decade

Welcome to Twenty-Ten.

Last week, I was reading the Rolling Stone issue dedicated to the 00 decade. It was the first time in a long time I sat and read it cover to cover. I was mesmerized by how much has changed in the world of music in the last ten years. Then I started thinking about how much the world, period, has changed in the last decade. AND THEN… I started thinking about how much has changed for me in these ten years.

Being only 30 years old…I’d dare say that this decade was the most memorable and transformational. Since I rang in the New Year in 2000, these are some of the things I’ve done…

-Pulled countless all-nighters in architecture studio
-Made friends
-Graduated from the University of Michigan
-Moved to California – twice
-Driven across the country 3 times
-Had my heart broken
-Learned what I couldn’t live with, and couldn’t live without
-Lost my virginity
-Seen more live music that I probably can recount
-Stepped foot on 4 of the 7 continents
-Lost friends
-Ran marathons
-Learned to show emotion and be vulnerable
-Learned to be comfortable in my own skin
-Adopted Stella Mae
-Said goodbye
-Watched my friends get married and have babies.
-Missed home. Missed my family.
-Was a waitress and bartender
-Realized what my god-given talents were and matched them with my passions
-Changed careers
-Cried, laughed, loved, admired, adored and cherished

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