Monday, March 8, 2010

Second Chances - We All Deserve Them!

I’ve always been a firm believer in that old adage about never getting a second chance to make a first impression… or was that a slogan for a deodorant?? Either way, I tended to be a part of that school of thought. You are, who you are – everyday of the week. This has served me well in life so far. I think I’ve successfully fended off the creeps, rapists, and ax murders. I instinctively know who are the people I should allow into my life; that’s not to say that I’ve run across the non-ax-murderer type, and just didn’t like them. There was something about how they carried themselves, the unspoken arrogance or shadiness just set off my internal red flags – telling me, it’s ok to talk to them, but definitely DON’T allow them into your inner circle.

Who’s with me on this? I know you’ve all had that feeling?

In past entries I’ve spoken to the opposite phenomenon – really seeing who someone is much later, and not really liking what they stand for as a person or as a friend. I’ve re-evaluated some friendships, harvested new ones, nurtured old ones and now I believe I’m being reintroduced to some people who I’d previously put into THAT category (you know, the one where I’ll casually talk to you, but you won’t know about my day sort of category…).

I’m sure this has happened before, here and there – someone comes back into my life, and see them a little differently. I’ll tread lightly though – intuition is usually right, right?? But in the past few months, this is happened a few times. And by few, I can think of 5 people off the top of my head. I’ve made a habit of really being tuned into patterns that show up – they’re there for a reason, there is some lesson I need to learn. I’ve learned to stop, notice the the pattern, and look around for the lesson. Over and over again, people who in the past, I didn’t much care for we’re standing in front of me – and with fresh eyes, an open heart, and a dash of compassion – I see a new person. A person who I like, who I relate to and who I’d like to call a friend.

The Universe is perfect how it gives you a little dose of exactly what you need. This reintroduction of people in my life has allowed me to evaluate how quickly I can judge a situation, and how quickly I may be closing doors. I’m making a concerted effort to be open to possibilities and people – and to the people who’ve not so coincidentally crossed my path again, I apologize for a hasty first impression and judgment – and I thank you for the lessons you’ve unknowingly taught me!

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