Monday, March 8, 2010

Riding Lawn Mowers!!

As I begin to pack up my things to close out the lease on my time in Southern California…I thought it was fitting to do a few things which are quintessentially Los Angeles. It’s slightly sad that it usually takes being a tourist here to see and do the amazing things. And I can honestly say, I’ve done most of those touristy things when I was a tourist, and then when I was an acting tour guide to my visiting friends and family.

So it doesn’t get a whole lot more quintessentially than going to a taping of The Price Is Right. Honestly, I’m sad I didn’t do this when Bob Barker was still the host. Alas, Chase and I went online to see how we got tickets. Just like that, we printed our unreserved tickets for the March 3rd taping.

We got up far too early…sat in LA traffic (does it get more LA than sitting in traffic?) and ended up JUST missing the cut-off for the earlier taping. No fears. We are a pretty mellow, take it as it comes group these days. We moseyed to the Farmer’s Market and bellied up to the bar – before the clock struck 10am. Don’t judge. You’d do the same thing!!

After a *couple* pitchers of beer we went back to the CBS lot, convinced that we were going to hear our name, followed by, “com’mon DOWN!” Well, it didn’t happen – sadly. But we had a blast, had amazing seats, screamed, clapped and laughed. Such a perfect day, with the perfect group of friends!

Look for us on the April 5th episode - I promise you'll see us...third row center!!

1 comment:

  1. anna that day has to be on the top 5 list of the awesome times we spent together. love ya
