Saturday, April 10, 2010

I hate goodbyes...

There are some upsides to the unemployed life, I’ve discovered. In the moments you’re not frantically looking for a job, or being stressed out about looking for a job, or not having a job, you have time for a lot of fun things. When employment is coupled with a pending near-cross-country move, the world is shining down on you…minus that whole not having a check thing.

Yes, it’s true, I haven’t written a lot lately. But I have been one busy girl. You see, before I could move to Austin, I needed to first close out my chapter and my tenure in Southern California. Thanks to a reduction of work-force back in August, I had the time that I needed to actually do this in a way fitting to me, and respectful of the life and friendships I’ve built since I’ve been in California.

In the weeks leading up to my departure, I made a point to spend some real quality time with the people who matter most to me…which I quickly discovered, is a LOT of people. If you’ve been keeping up with me and my blog, you’ll know that my primary love language is quality time, so fill up my “love tank” I did. Lunches, dinners, cocktails, gym visits, bike rides, hot tubs, coffee breaks, long training runs, wearing green on St. Patty’s Day, boat rides, movies, and marathoning – I did ALL of this accompanied by some of the most amazing people I know. And certainly the cream of the crop of Orange and LA Counties!

On March 27th, the final day of my thirtieth year, I invited those who have made a mark on my stay in California, in my life and in my heart to join me for one last Saturday night out. It was because of these people, that I learned to cry, love, laugh, teach, learn, inspire, support, encourage and challenge. It was with these people I explored, wandered and adventured for the last eight and half years. And, because of the mark they left on my heart, California will always be home to me. I grew into the woman I am today with them by my side.

That night couldn’t have been crafted more perfectly if I got out a spread sheet and tried to do it myself -- Surrounded by these people, I joyfully, thankfully, happily and lovingly – closed out my chapter in California. Thanks for the amazing ride, my friends!! Much love!!

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