Sunday, December 30, 2012

2012 Recap - Top 12 Lessons

Top 12 Lessons Learned in 2012

1.  You can fall in love instantly.  It can happen on the dirtiest part of Sixth Street or in the parking lot of an auto shop.  This love will forever change your heart.  You’ll see the world differently.  You’ll feel yourself grow into someone you’ve not even realized you could be. 

2.  Life can be taken at any moment.  Hug fiercely those who matter most to you, tell them you love them, that they mean something to you, that they’ve left a mark on your heart, on your soul -  for you never know when they’ll be gone. 

3.    How it was, only matters if you’re still who you were.  If you’ve grown, look ahead.  Appreciate what was, and smile at will be. 

4.  Friendships change and evolve.  Some will leave when the friendship you share with them isn’t serving one or both of you.  Sometimes you’ll find yourself re-connected with them.  Some stay for it all.  All of them matter. 

5.  It’s ok to live in the moment.  And that last minute flight to Vegas might be one of the best decisions you’ve ever made.

6.  It’s never too late to forgive -to forgive others, to forgive yourself.  Forgiveness creates a space inside of you where great things are bound to be drawn into.

7.  I have a lot of favorite people.  Some of them live close, many live in other states, some on other continents.  We don’t talk every day.  Sometimes years span between the time we see one another.  But each time, with each of these people it’s as if a moment hasn’t passed.  Each time my heart is overwhelmed by their friendship and love. 

8.  It’s ok to make a stand for your happiness – if you don’t, no one else will.  Treat yourself the way you treat others. 

9.  Take care of yourself.  Eat well.  Exercise.  Love freely and fiercely.  Take time for yourself to do the things you love.  Run.  Read.  Learn. 

10.  Surprise someone.  It makes your heart happy.

11.  Aim to see the world, people and your day through the eyes of a puppy.

12.  Be open. To people.  To ideas.  You’ll be surprised at what you see, learn and become when you’re open. 

Reoccurring theme:  Love

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