Monday, January 28, 2013

“Happy one year anniversary...”

Leading in to Saturday afternoon I started to have a strange feeling – a feeling as if something was going to happen.  The events of the day were a bit out of the normal and I think I was probably a bit more on edge.  I was in a protective state of mind – protective of those who I care about in my life.  As the day wore on to evening – the feeling was still there.  I took Big Whiskey out for a walk… the air some how felt heavier or unsettling.  Something was off – but I couldn’t figure out what it was.  Something so off, it made me think I should stay close to home. 

There was a full-moon.  Maybe that was it.  Who knows.  But this wasn’t the first time I’ve felt an energy so strong around me it couldn’t be ignored. 

I went to dinner with friends and called it a night as they ventured on to the next stop.  I called my mom to make sure my parents were ok.  I sent texts.  I just wanted security in knowing everyone was ok. I got home and sat down on the sofa and just opened my mind to what it could be. 

Him.  It was last year about this time. 

No.  It was exactly a year ago.  

Is it possible that those energies work in tandem with the calendar?  Is it possible that your sense of energies are heightened at certain times?  I went to sleep wondering how it was all connected – because something tells me it is. 

It was exactly one year ago that my world got completely flipped upside down.  Everything I had known to be true when it came to life and love was being challenged.  Everything I had known to be true about myself was shifting in ways I didn’t know was possible 

It was one year ago yesterday that I sat in a bar with my back to the door and felt an energy come in – I was present enough not only to feel it, but to be curious about it and spin to see what it was.  I was present enough not to let it pass and to pursue it. 

‘You’re beautiful” Is what I said to him from across the room.  He approached and asked me what I had said.  “I said, you’re beautiful. And I love you.” 

In the year that has passed since he walked into the wrong bar – rarely does a day go by that he doesn’t cross my mind.

I’m thankful for you, Devin.  The lessons I’ve carried with me since our chance encounter on 6th Street have made my heart open to the possibilities and open to love.  I’m thankful that my friendships seem richer, more authentic and true.  And I’m thankful that I’m open to decisions and feelings not needing coming from a place a logic – I’m thankful for perfect timing.   I’m not sure that what I felt this weekend had anything to do with what I felt last year – but my heart is happy in replaying those days and those moments over in my head. 

I hope that wherever you’re at – your heart is happy, your smile is contagious and your life is full.

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