Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Lessons from Whiskey II

To say my life has changed since Big Whiskey found me would be an understatement.  I've come to appreciate my morning routine with the pup - and the lessons she teaches me every morning.

  • It's easier to wake up early when you're excited about life.
  • It's never too early to wake up the one you love but it's best to wake them with a smile, kisses and snuggles...
  • and if they still want to sleep, it's best to rest quietly and pretend you're still asleep.
  • Fresh water in the morning is as necessary as a good breakfast.
  • Smile at strangers and let them feel your joy.
  • A quick run is the best way to start your day.
  • Everyday is a new day and we have a choice to be happy - choose happiness each morning.  Repeat as necessary throughout the day.
Everyday I appreciate you and love you a little more - thanks for letting me be your human mom and pack leader, BW!

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