Thursday, August 15, 2013

Keep your head up!

It's funny how you can hear a song countless times over the course of a couple of years... and then one day you hear it and it hits you in an entirely different way.  Shortly after I got back from my Midwest Adventure - parts of my life went a bit topsy turvy.  I do some of my best thinking while I'm driving, and twice I noticed that the same Ben Howard song was playing at nearly the same spot on my way to and from one of our offices.  I stopped thinking and started listening.  Mr. Howard's song perfectly summed up where I had been, where I was and where I was about to go.

"Keep your head up.  Keep heart strong.  Keep your mind set."

Disclaimer:  Ben Howard is one handsome man...but I chose the video with the lyrics scrolling, because that seemed more appropriate.

Music...seriously, not sure where I'd be without music.  :)

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