Tuesday, October 1, 2013

“Not all those who wander are lost”

In the past, great change has often been preceded by great sadness or great opportunities.  I’ve either followed my heart or my dreams.  All of those changes, almost always, involved a move – a restart – a change of zip code. 

This time seemed different.  While there has been great change in my life as of late – it’s been welcomed change.  Change that was needed to get my happy back.  Back in July, I spent some time back in Michigan and in Chicago – the trip was medicinal and therapeutic in the most simple and organic of ways.  I spent time outside and on the lake.  I put my toes in the sand and stared up at the stars.  I was able to surround myself with a few of those people who I admire, adore and cherish – those who are love me for me.  I made a vow to myself on that trip that things would change when I got back to Austin.  That I’d recalibrate and begin living for me again – which meant going after that which inspires, excites, scares and motivates me. 

I got home from that trip and was on fire.  Then, I was essentially fired. 

All of this brought up a ton within me.  I was hurt, betrayed, confused and relieved.  But deep down, I knew that this was happening for a reason.  Something better was out there for me.  Something I wouldn’t  or couldn’t see before. 

I decided that more than anything I needed to be surrounded by those who love me for me – silly, random, strong-willed, out-spoken, empathetic, outgoing and loving me.   My heart felt lost and I knew where I’d find it – and find me.  So the pup and I embarked on an adventure to California and places in between. 

Being in the car that long alone stirs up a lot.  Being with that many friends who love you, whose hugs you can actually feel when you close your eyes – brought about calmness. 

I thought I knew what I was going to do… then I headed back to Austin. 

I can’t explain the draw – but there is something in me that is telling me to go back west.  I don’t know if I belong in California again.  And if I do if it’s LA, Orange County, San Diego or the Bay Area.  Maybe it’s Seattle or Portland.  Or maybe I just need to be away from Austin.  I’m not entirely sure – but after spending a few weeks listening to the battling of my head and my heart – I decided I’m ready to embrace it.  And head west...to Scottsdale.  

I’m still going after that which inspires, excites, scares and motivates me.  And I’m excited to be working on something super exciting with some friends.  This time I’m following my heart, my dreams and my instincts.  My change in zip code may be temporary, it might change a few times still and it might become permanent – I’m finding peace with any of these outcomes.  I’m an adventurer with an amazing group of people scattered around who I love and who love me – with every stop I learn more.  More about myself, my goals and dreams and my place in this world. 

 “Not all those who wander are lost” – J.R.R. Tolkein

Now... someone plan me a going away party!!  

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! I mean, good for you, but bad for us Austinites who will miss you! Let's run next week so I can hear all the deets.
