Friday, January 22, 2010

Storm Watch - Twenty-Ten

I didn’t really believe it would happen when they said it would, and certainly not to this extent! Our local meteorologists had a real doosey on their hands with this storm – something other than sunny and seventies? But they were right. And boy was I thankful I left New Mexico when I did…because I would have been driving through the worst of the worst, and likely hating every minute of it! It’s funny how the world works sometimes, looking out for us in ways we don’t usually expect.

Storm Watch, Twenty Ten is about to come to a close, so I figured I’d sit in this chilled air, the sound of rain hitting the roof and windows and be a little lazy. It’s true what they say about Southern Californians, they really have no idea how to live in the rain, much less how to drive in it. I’d like to thank those storms that spent the last 6 days rolling off the Pacific for reminding me what it feels like to live in weather; to have to have the forethought to grab an umbrella and a jacket, to think twice about wearing my Rainbow flip flops out of the house, to slow down on the freeways and be patient and kind to the other drivers out there and to fall asleep to the thunder, the lightening and the sound of rain.

Somehow in all that sogginess, I found myself grounded and happy. Content and inspired. Thoughtful and thankful.

1 comment:

  1. It's the Michigander in ya... and I'm proud. (Nice to hear a Californian who isn't whining about the wet... I'd trade wet for 3 months of gray any day!)
