Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Hey Lady!

I’m chronicling all of this a bit out of order, but I was waiting to see how life played out – and how the pieces came together.

Nearly immediately after that 4 hour forgiveness session – strange things started happening.  I had had a match profile and hadn’t done much with it.  Hadn’t even logged in for a few weeks.  Suddenly men were sending me messaged.

I texted that friend… “How do they know?  How do they know there is room now?  What are men, little Miss Cleos and are clairvoyant?

Four days pass.

I worked in the afternoon from a  coffeeshop with a friend.  We hadn’t seen each other in awhile and I caught her up to speed on all things Philadelphia, internet dating and this whole forgiveness thing.  We left a little earlier than I thought we would, so I decided I should go run an errand and get an estimate on a car repair.

The left turn out of said coffeeshop is a bit tricky.  I turned right and drove through the neighborhood.  I pass someone walking a dog.

I think to myself, “I want a dog.”

I stop myself, “No!  You need a bigger place, something with a yard before you get a dog.”

I turn into the body shop.  The mechanic does his thing and we go inside to get an estimate written up.
He’s about to the part where he tells me it’ll be $197 to replace the car door handle I ripped off my car with my brute strength when I see a puppy run across the parking lot.  Strange.  No one else was near the parking lot when we came in.  Where’d this puppy come from.

I leave.  But decide to walk over to a clothing boutique before I get in my handleless car.

“Hey lady!! Is that your dog?” a little boy shouted at me.

“Nope, it’s not my dog,” I reply back.

I return to the same lot about 15 minutes later.

“Hey lady, is THIS YOUR DOG??” the same little boy shouts.

I walk over.  The puppy is shaking.  Scared.  And looks incredibly thirsty.

I decide that I’ll take the puppy to the shelter to see if it’s chipped.  The kids load her into my car and I turn around and see this....

“Fuck you, you’re cute!”

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