Monday, October 29, 2012

When You Ask

With my new little, far too cute friend in the back seat, I headed to see if she was microchipped or if some loser just dumped her on one of the busiest streets in Austin.

On the drive I had an internal struggle… If you put something into the Universe, and it comes to you… are you then allowed to put further conditions on it?  I mean… I was literally THINKING about getting a dog in the exact moment I drove into the parking lot that I was now leaving, with a puppy in the back seat.

Was it meant to be?

With no collar, no tags, and no microchip – I was faced with a difficult decision.  Is the time right for me?  Am I in a place where I can actually care for a puppy?... In the right physical space, mental space and space in my life.  That night it was all about her – I had had plans to go to a concert that night – I cancelled.  She was dehydrated and hungry.  She was shaking and staring at me with puppy dog eyes.  I sat on the floor with her… trying to encourage her drink water…telling her it was going to be ok.  If this wasn’t her home, I knew I’d find her a great home.

That night, my friend and I took her out to go to the bathroom – in the darkness of the front yard, she burrowed herself into the grass.  With tears in my eyes, I turned to Bobby and said, “she thinks that’s her bed!  I can’t take her to a shelter.”

Was it meant to be?

I woke up the next morning convinced things would be chewed and there would be surprises all over the floor.  Nothing.  She was still sound asleep on the blanket I had put out for her.

After the vet confirmed she was healthy, and quite possibly one of the cutest dogs he’d ever seen – I decided I was going to keep her.

I think it was meant to be…

The next morning I receive a text from my best friend Sarah…

“Well, well, well, you said you felt like you could finally love someone and Big Whiskey found you!  How does Stella feel about having a sister?”

I smile.

It was meant to be!

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