Monday, October 8, 2012

Throw down $40 and parlay this!

I’ve made some ballsy moves in my life – and in nearly every instance, the outcome has been better than I imagined – but I still wouldn’t consider myself a spontaneous person.  At least not until this past Friday, anyway. All thanks to the interwebs, I realized that I had a few friends that would be in Las Vegas over the weekend.  I’m not talking about random acquaintances, but those friends whom I love like some kind of fierce. 

How could I possibly pass up on a chance to see all of these faces I adore, in one place?  I mean when else will your best friend from Austin, one of your closest friends from college, your first friend from Austin, the little brother you wish you had and the handsome Wolverine you met in a beer line in Philadelphia… all be in one place?

“Just do it.”  “You’re only young once.” “Bring it.”  “What do you have to lose?”

So I booked it – at 2pm - and was on a plane 5 hours later. 

Worlds literally collided. College friends, Austin friends, work friends, Cali friends and Las Vegas all together. Each of them came into my life at a separate time and under completely different circumstances.  Most of them have never met one another, and probably never would have had I not embraced my spirit of adventure – but it was as if we’d all been together all along. 

As I boarded the flight back home to Austin this morning – I smiled at the memories I share with each of them individually.  With these friends, I’ve drank far too many $1 Long Islands at Scorekeepers and share a love of all things Wolverines.  We’ve boated in the Pacific, floated on rafts off of Mykonos, Greece only to swim back to shore and see a bottle Corona be violated.  We’ve crushed bud lights, got in the zone and danced like silly fools to some of our favorite bands.  Together we’ve welcomed babies and said goodbye to parents.  We’ve raced down mountains and walked through Rome.   We’ve seen that it isn’t always sunny in Philadelphia.  We’ve discerned that fish do masturbate and that even a stopped train between us and our beds isn’t actually an obstacle.   They've helped me train for marathons, picked me up, hug me hard and always seem to know what to say.

I have so much gratitude for the people in my life – and am so incredibly grateful to all who made this past weekend ridiculously awesome.  Thanks for adding to the memories - I heart y’all so damn hard!

Lesson(s) Learned: 
·      The people in your life are a reflection of you – what do you see?
·      It doesn’t matter where you live, the ones that matter will always be there, in the moment you’re together it’ll feel like a second hasn’t passed.
·      Big risks can yield big rewards.
·      “No meat”, actually means no meat.
·      Plans aren’t always necessary.
·      WV +7
·      Enunciate better with fives and nines
·      I am lucky.  And I’m loved.

1 comment:

  1. Anna!! I love reading your blog!! So glad u took that trip to vegas!! U have such a beautiful heart!! So many lives are blessed by yours!! Let me know the next time you are in the mitten!! It would be awesome to catch up!! - kat
