Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Lessons Learned

As I get ready to celebrate the two month anniversary of Big Whiskey being in my life I started to realize how much she’s taught me in 8 short weeks.  Here are few…

  • If you ask, it shall be given.  It might not look like how you thought it might and it probably won’t happen in the timing that you’d planned…which brings me to…
  • Being open to the possibilities – like really open - Be open to expecting the unexpected. 
  • Love doesn’t happen by some set rules.  How it happens for you, or you, or you is probably not how it’ll happen for me.  I learned this early in the year when I fell in love with a Dutch man and I relearned it again with Whiskey.  They say, that life will keep giving you the same lessons until you learn them.  I think I got this one.
  •  Shoes are things.  Bras are things.  Things don’t really matter to me.  If they matter enough they can be replaced.  Life can’t.  I chose to spend my life, money and time on those and that which I love. 
  • Nothing breaks your heart more than not knowing how to help someone you love – When Whiskey ran off that day, I literally felt defeated.  She was alone and scared.  And probably in danger and there was NOTHING I could do about it. 
  • Sometimes you just gotta say, “eff it!” and go play and shake and play with friends and smell asses and lick faces.  Ooooh… wait. 
  • Acts of love come in the form of smiles and kisses (all over your face), as well as, in the form of waking up five times in the night to clean up vomit and diarrhea. 
  • Pure happiness is found outside in the sunshine with breeze blowing across your face. Pure happiness is always found in the first face you see in the morning too.
  • Everything is more enjoyable with a friend - car rides, running the trail... all things I didn't mind doing alone, but like a hell of lot more when I'm not alone!
  • Always smile and say hello to strangers.  It brightens their day, and they might just need a little brightening.
  • Believe that timing is everything.  Things happen not on my timeline, but that of the universes.  I always believed that I’d have a dog someday.  But “someday” had a lot of conditions on it.  Someday when I’m older.  Someday when I don’t travel as much.  Someday when I’m settled into a routine.  Someday when I don’t work as much.  Someday when I have my own place.  Someday when I have a yard.  None of these conditions mattered when she crossed my path.  This makes all of those other goals and dreams floating around in my head to be a little more soft around the edges, a little less constrained.  A little more possible.  No.  A lot more possible.
So thanks, BW!

Ps… she’s with her trainer right now, the house is so lonely without her.  Hard to believe she’s a fairly new addition.   

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