Monday, March 8, 2010

Riding Lawn Mowers!!

As I begin to pack up my things to close out the lease on my time in Southern California…I thought it was fitting to do a few things which are quintessentially Los Angeles. It’s slightly sad that it usually takes being a tourist here to see and do the amazing things. And I can honestly say, I’ve done most of those touristy things when I was a tourist, and then when I was an acting tour guide to my visiting friends and family.

So it doesn’t get a whole lot more quintessentially than going to a taping of The Price Is Right. Honestly, I’m sad I didn’t do this when Bob Barker was still the host. Alas, Chase and I went online to see how we got tickets. Just like that, we printed our unreserved tickets for the March 3rd taping.

We got up far too early…sat in LA traffic (does it get more LA than sitting in traffic?) and ended up JUST missing the cut-off for the earlier taping. No fears. We are a pretty mellow, take it as it comes group these days. We moseyed to the Farmer’s Market and bellied up to the bar – before the clock struck 10am. Don’t judge. You’d do the same thing!!

After a *couple* pitchers of beer we went back to the CBS lot, convinced that we were going to hear our name, followed by, “com’mon DOWN!” Well, it didn’t happen – sadly. But we had a blast, had amazing seats, screamed, clapped and laughed. Such a perfect day, with the perfect group of friends!

Look for us on the April 5th episode - I promise you'll see us...third row center!!

Second Chances - We All Deserve Them!

I’ve always been a firm believer in that old adage about never getting a second chance to make a first impression… or was that a slogan for a deodorant?? Either way, I tended to be a part of that school of thought. You are, who you are – everyday of the week. This has served me well in life so far. I think I’ve successfully fended off the creeps, rapists, and ax murders. I instinctively know who are the people I should allow into my life; that’s not to say that I’ve run across the non-ax-murderer type, and just didn’t like them. There was something about how they carried themselves, the unspoken arrogance or shadiness just set off my internal red flags – telling me, it’s ok to talk to them, but definitely DON’T allow them into your inner circle.

Who’s with me on this? I know you’ve all had that feeling?

In past entries I’ve spoken to the opposite phenomenon – really seeing who someone is much later, and not really liking what they stand for as a person or as a friend. I’ve re-evaluated some friendships, harvested new ones, nurtured old ones and now I believe I’m being reintroduced to some people who I’d previously put into THAT category (you know, the one where I’ll casually talk to you, but you won’t know about my day sort of category…).

I’m sure this has happened before, here and there – someone comes back into my life, and see them a little differently. I’ll tread lightly though – intuition is usually right, right?? But in the past few months, this is happened a few times. And by few, I can think of 5 people off the top of my head. I’ve made a habit of really being tuned into patterns that show up – they’re there for a reason, there is some lesson I need to learn. I’ve learned to stop, notice the the pattern, and look around for the lesson. Over and over again, people who in the past, I didn’t much care for we’re standing in front of me – and with fresh eyes, an open heart, and a dash of compassion – I see a new person. A person who I like, who I relate to and who I’d like to call a friend.

The Universe is perfect how it gives you a little dose of exactly what you need. This reintroduction of people in my life has allowed me to evaluate how quickly I can judge a situation, and how quickly I may be closing doors. I’m making a concerted effort to be open to possibilities and people – and to the people who’ve not so coincidentally crossed my path again, I apologize for a hasty first impression and judgment – and I thank you for the lessons you’ve unknowingly taught me!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

"Law of Attraction" you buy it??

I’m not sure if it was an intentional move to begin with – but somewhere along this journey, I stopped stressing about things out of my control and really started focusing on the good. It all sort of throws me back to that little PL&L ditty – Thoughts, Feelings, Actions. Maybe it does work; you change your thinking and just like soldiers falling into place, the feelings and actions are a direct result of those thoughts. Bad or good.

I could probably be a walking, talking advocate for “The Secret” these days. Things are just happening, with no real effort on my part – except maybe having a mind free of clutter, that’s open to the possibilities of great things happening to and for me.

The intent of my most recent trip to Austin was to get an apartment squared away. I figured if I eliminated the stress and worry of, where will I rest my weary head…that I could really focus on finding a job I love. Months earlier, I had responded to an ad on Craigslist for an apartment on the northwest-ish side of Austin. The posting indicated that the people needed someone to take over their lease, and would offer a $1000. cash to someone who took the apartment in January. Knowing that I would not be moving then, I replied anyway…maybe there was a possibility of this still working out, even if I couldn’t take the apartment until March or April. I kept in touch with Ericka for a month, finally arranging to meet her and see the apartment when I was in Austin a few weeks ago.

First of all, the cost of living in Austin WAY less than Orange County, so I was already stoked on the fact that the rent was $760 / per month. Add into the mix that the apartment community has all the amenities I could possibly want: pools, bbq areas, a business center, fitness centers, volleyball, basketball, racquetball courts, jogging trails throughout AND the community is filled with young professionals AND they arrange social events for the residents. Sold, right? It’s a perfect way to meet people. Walking up to meet Ericka, I was pretty positive I’d be taking the apartment – but it got better! Before leaving my apartment in Irvine, I sold most everything. All of my furniture, gone. Since Ericka and her finance just moved in together, the apartment furnished, but no one was living there. I asked if they’d be open to leaving some of the furniture, that way I wouldn’t have to watch my 55” TV from my beach chair. “Of course!,” she said. And just like that, I had a furnished apartment for the same price. Perfect.

It’s almost humorous how many stories I have just like this from the last few months. But instead of being skeptical and thinking “when will my luck run out” – I’m being thankful for the opportunities I’ve been given, because I’ve asked for them. So thank you Universe for that gift card that showed up in the mail unexpectedly, the shared storage unit, the generous friends willing to watch Stella, the sweet apartment hookups, the amazing (free) dinner at Nic and Stef’s last night AND the class that was postponed for a year because I couldn’t justify dropping $500 dollars on it and is now FREE. I appreciate your generosity – and I’ve learned a valuable lesson. Just ask. You’ll always get what you want, and what you need.