Friday, September 28, 2012

89 Songs from 89 bands... to Honor one Dear Friend

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It was about this time two years ago I had the honor of meeting Jeff Bock.  Jeff and I shared a love of college football, ice cold beer and music.  His passion was music - he blogged, he DJ'd, he'd map out his ACL and SXSW schedules with detail that this spreadsheet loving lady adored and every month he'd send his friends, blog-followers and fellow music lovers a mix-tape.  His passion for music nearly matched the strength of his hugs and contagious smile.  

Standing in a crowded room of people whose lives Jeff had touched... we tearfully said goodbye to our dear friend back in May.  

I had an idea to continue Jeff's tradition of making an ACL Mix with songs from (almost) every band - I approached Ben, Jeff's dear friend and partner in mix-tape making, music blogging and DJing crime to see what he thought.  In.  Knowing how many bands were on the roster, we asked Lindsay to help - she knew Bock and shared his passion for music.  About 2 months back Ben, Lindsay and I broke out the lineup and divided and conquered - listening to each and every band at this years festival.  

To honor our dear friend, his passion and this little festival in Austin, Texas that we all love... we present to you our ACL 2012 mix -  for a limited time, download this zip of 89 songs from 89 bands, handpicked for your listening pleasure.  (Shoot me an email and I'll happily send you the link for download).

Much much love!

April 2012 – KidBock’s Final Mix

Miss you, Bock!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Make the most of what you got!

Perfect song to compliment the last two posts.  The message is amazing.

Disclaimer:  If you hate music, or hate Dave Matthews ... you can start at 2:56 on this, since it's all music up to that point.  And if you do hate music or Dave Matthews, we should probably reconsider our friendship.

Don't ever lose sight...

The baskets on my bookshelf tend to be a collection receptacle for the random small things in my life that if left unattended would just get shuffled around - the basket becomes their home, until a permanent home can be found, or they find their way to the trash.   While I fancy myself a pretty tidy and clean person - I mean, I do make my bed nearly every morning - these baskets are an exception.  They are my junk drawers.  Only at my house, the "junk" ranges from iphone chargers to passports to concert tickets to bills that need to be filled.  Getting the urge to go through these usually takes me getting to a place in my life that's a bit unsettling - either I'm emotional or stressed, or just have anxiety.

This time, I was a little bit of everything - but probably more emotional - I needed some kind of comfort and solace.  Tricky, right?  One thing I know for sure, there are not coincidences - everything DOES happen for a reason.  What I came across whilst attacking those baskets was exactly what I needed to see, and exactly the words I needed to read.  My last post was about if I could go back in time and tell 4-year old me a thing or two... right after I came across that picture...I came across this card.  And just like that... the past was coming to me to tell ME a thing or two.  My mom randomly sends me cards, which I love - the message on this one was perfect for what I was thinking in those moments.  And I know we all find ourselves in these moments, so it's worth sharing.

Perfect timing.  Always.  Trust it.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Dear 4-year old Me:

In moments where chaos seems to be the general energy around me, I tend to clean or organize.  I guess it’s my minds way of finding calmness and peace.  Last week, finding myself in one of those moments, I tackled my bookshelf and the three baskets that live on it.  In one of those baskets, I came across a the innocence of this smiling face.  

I sat there, staring at her rosy cheeks and big smile and started to think about all of the things I would tell her if I could go back in time…

·      Stop furrowing your brow, it takes away from the joy in your smile.
·      Travel every chance you get – the lessons you learn from other people, other cultures and the history of streets you walk on are far more profound than any lecture you’ll sit through.
·      Don’t be upset when someone teases you for having glasses, soon enough they’ll have to wear them too.
·      Relish in your childhood – responsibilities are overrated.
·      Don’t be afraid to be hurt because in those moments you gain strength and appreciation.
·      Laugh.  Often.  And loudly.  Others will see your joy and be drawn to your energy.
·      Smile at children.  Smile at old people.  Just smile.  Even when it seems like you can’t or shouldn’t, smiling brings happiness to your heart.
·      Be grateful every day.  For the people in your life, for the experiences and adventures you’ve been afforded.
·      Don’t be afraid to fail. 
·      Know yourself well and be comfortable and confident in who you are.
·      Listen to music – all kinds of it – it speaks to you in different ways.
·      Do things out of joy, and not obligation.
·      Find the things you’re passionate about, and go after them.
·      People treat you how you allow them to treat you – be cognizant of how you want to be treated – and set the bar high.  You’ll be glad you did.
·      If you’re curious about something, and in a safe environment, proceed with no regrets. 
·      Always assume the good in people.  Forgive quickly, resentment only hurts you.
·      Forgive yourself.  Every step, every decision whether good or bad is part of your journey.
·      Be as kind to yourself as you would be a stranger or your best friend.
·      Surround yourself with people who love you, encourage and support you and make you want to be a better person.  Remember, this is a two-way street, with intersections – and the cast will change as you grow.
·      Love fiercely.  Even when “rules” say otherwise. 
·      Be authentically you – there is no one else quite like you.  By being authentic, you attract authenticity.
·      Trust – trust the timing, the plan, the path and the purpose. 
·      Check in with your heart – your heart will always tell you what you need to hear or see.  Don’t worry, you’ll know when your heart is on-board.  It’s calm and you can feel it smiling from the inside out.  But be warned – sometimes you have to stop to actually feel that.
·      Take care of yourself and make time for yourself.
·      Be at peace in the quiet moments.
·      Don’t worry about things you cannot change.
·      If they mean something to you, tell them – you’ll never know when it’s the last moment you have with them. 
·      Find purpose.  Find passion.  Pursue them both.  Everyday.

Then I stop myself and smile, thinking… ahhh… but aren’t these messages something that the 33-year old me has enjoyed discovering?  Would I be doing the 4-year old me a disservice by cluing her in to the future and potentially changing her path.  At any rate, it was fun to think about… because I’m fairly certain the 33-year old me needed to hear each of those again.

So… what would you tell your younger you?

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Thens and Whens

Last night as I laid in bed struggling to fall asleep – I started to think of all of the people I’m thankful for. 

Sidebar:  You can file this under the random things I do, but any time I have trouble falling asleep, or feel like I’m struck in a rut, I will always start to count my blessing.  I’ll make lists of things and people I’m thankful for.  I’ll start rattling them off out loud for no one but myself and Stella to hear.  I’ll write notes to friends.  Being thankful seems to turn my attitude around, centers me and calms me. 

As I lay there thinking about the incredible weekend I just had – I started thinking about all of the people who’ve come into my life.  Many have stayed.  Some have been around for a moment and left.  Some have been around for awhile, and we’ve parted ways.  But as I thought about each of those people who came and went – they’ve had just as a profound impact on shaping the person I am today. 
Each random person who I’ve met and connected with – and let’s face it, this category is probably the largest as I seem to connect easily with most people – has taught me something about myself, others or the world I live in.  Each random boy in a bar and friendly cab driver – each friend-of-a-friend, friend, boyfriend, crush and each drinking buddy.  Every one of those people is a part of my story. 

As I continued down this memory lane I started to be grateful for all of the times I was disappointed, hurt, confused and let-down.  I was grateful for each time I felt lost and unsure.  Each of these times brought me closer to where I am today. 

Sure, I think things can change in my life – and they probably will again and again.

But the one thing I know for certain in this world – right here is where I’m supposed to be. 

And I’m grateful for this moment – these people here with me now – and those who have been a part of my journey and self-discovery.  I’m grateful for all of the opportunities I’ve had, and the courage I have to step outside of my comfort zone to create those opportunies – because things don’t just happen, we allow them to happen.  I’m thankful for the experiences and all of the moments.  I don’t have to understand any of it – I just have to trust that it’s all part of a plan.  And it’s all pushing me to where I’ll end up and who I’ll continue to grow to be. 

I’m thankful for the thens and I’m thankful for the whens.

And... because I'm still on a music high... I think this song is an appropriate little diddy for how I'm feeling.