Friday, February 19, 2010

Walking Down Memory Lane

It’s been a little over 8 years since I made the solo journey from Michigan…to Santa Monica.

Looking back, I wonder where that gutsy girl has been hiding. I’ve always been one to chase my dreams, to march to my own beat to laugh in the face of everyone who said I couldn’t or shouldn’t do whatever crazy idea I had that day – but this was a ballsy move. I’d only been to California once, but I fell in love with the weather, the ocean, the sunshine and the endless possibilities. All of these things overshadowed the fact that I didn’t really know anyone in California, that my entire family and friends were getting left behind in Michigan, that I didn’t have a job, and that I’d never stayed alone in a hotel or driven more than 8 hours by myself. I was young and my spirit of adventure couldn’t be squashed.

With my little Jetta packed up – With a little “California” playing as I took off that snowy, blizzardy day…I turned the page to a new chapter in my life.

As the next chapter is about to start, I took the time this week to take a walk down memory lane – I went back to where it started, and reconnected with a few of the people who were there in the beginning.

I had lunch with an old boss, mentor and friend. We talked about the old times and what was in store for me moving forward. I’m not sure I’ve ever told John, but I have him to thank for me landing at Red Mountain – and for believing in myself to do my own thing now.

After lunch in the Culver City area…I cruised over to Brentwood to meet Uma for lunch. While Uma wasn’t necessarily one of the first people I knew…being in Brentwood brought a surge of memories to me. My very first “real” job out of college was in Brentwood – Jacques + Marquez Architecture. It was strange, standing there and looking up at the office – I remember the day I walked in, and the day I walked out like it was yesterday. Thankfully, I’ve chosen to take the best of JMA with me. I learned a lot in those months spent in that teeny tiny office – I learned to stand up for what I believe, to not allow another person diminish my self-worth or spirit. I walked away with some great friends – That day I walked away with a smile, thankful for the opportunity.

That night I was going to stay with my friend, Amy in Santa Monica. Amy was my first girlfriend in this new chapter. We met waitressing at this hole-in-the-wall restaurant, Earth, Wind and Flour on Wilshire almost 8 years ago. On my way to Amy’s house, I drove past, EWF and Obrien’s (my most favorite bar!), I journeyed down 19th Street and stopped in front of my old apartment and down Montana St. I walked down Main Street – all of it seemed so familiar, so comfortable. But I was seeing it all with new eyes.

The next morning I was able to meet up with Kayo, who I worked with at JMA. We brushed over the past and those memories, but focused on us, now. The thing I appreciate most about her is her ability to show love, care and admiration in the way she listens. We hadn’t seen each other in probably 6 years, our lives have changed, but our friendship felt as if not a day had passed. I have those same feelings with Uma, with Amy – with all of the people whose mark I recognize and appreciate in my life.

I’m thankful for having had the opportunity to spend a few days on the West Side – while I’m thankful for the person I’ve become in the last 8 years, I’m thankful for who I was then – and for the people who I invited into my life, and that those people are still there.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Reaching Out for Support!!

Hello Friends-

In my life I’ve found that things are easier and more meaningful when you do them with the support of your friends and family. I’ve also learned that to get support, you have to be willing to give support.

One of my good friends, Steve Weatherby, is passionate about a few things, Ohio State Football (we’ll forgive him for this), running, and giving to those who need. A while back he told me about his dream of launching a non-profit organization which would provide an outlet for people like you and I, to raise money for whatever organization we found near and dear to our hearts, in whatever way WE wanted to raise funds.

I am so excited to announce that this last week, Steve launched, “Because I Can”!

In my support for Steve, and his dream, I have joined “Team Because I Can” – Steve, Stephanie Schonauer and Erin Wignall Han and I will be running the LA Marathon on March 21st, 2010 to raise funds through Because I Can for The Pablove Foundation.

The Pablove Foundation is named after Pablo Castelaz, the son of Jo Ann Thrailkill and Jeff Castelaz, and the little brother of Grady Gallagher. On May 17, 2008, Pablo was diagnosed with bilateral Wilms’ Tumor, a rare form of children’s cancer. The cancer appeared out of nowhere, with no warning signs in Pablo’s general demeanor or health. He underwent treatment at Childrens Hospital Los Angeles. On June 27, 2009, Pablo’s individual fight with cancer ended. But we fight on in his name, with the spirit of love that Pablo embodied and inspired. Every year, the Pablove Foundation gives money to improve the lives of children with cancer, at both a national level as well as a local level here in Los Angeles.
While I’ve been lucky to have never known a child diagnosed with cancer personally, I known far too many people diagnosed with cancer who have fought and survived, and others who have fought and sadly lost that fight. It’s because of this, that I am choosing to run…to honor those people in my life and their fight, to support my dear friend and to support an amazing organization.

Our team’s goal is to raise $15,000 for the Pablove Foundation. Please use the Because I Can website to donate, in honor of those who you know or have known with cancer and to support me in my forth marathon – as I support my friend in his dream.
If you want to support us, and can’t make a monetary donation – fear NOT! You could join in the fun and run the marathon with us!! Or if you’d like to come out and cheer us on as we run those 26.2 miles…I’m pretty sure I know three other people who would appreciate that support. Or, you could simply repost this, and help us get the word out!

Friday, February 5, 2010


So while I’m on the topic of goals for twenty-ten…I’m not sure if it was written…but since the journey began, I’ve learned to be a lot more spontaneous. I’m a pretty planful person by nature. I like to know what I’m doing, when and with whom. As I write this, I’ll have to blame my mom for that…since those where the three things I needed to account for each and every time I left the house.

With this newfound freedom has come spontaneity…which at times has me feeling a bit anxious. But, I know that that anxiety needs to be embraced…needs to be lived, because it tells me I’m fighting off some other feeling.

Now I know you’re sitting there and wondering what the hell I did that was so spontaneous to warrant this entry. Right?

Since I was a child, a small one, ok ok…technically a toddler, I’ve worn glasses and contacts. My vision wasn’t terrible, but my eye muscles were so strong, my eyes would cross as I tried to focus on anything up close. So for the last 28 years, I’ve lived with this…I never embraced it. I’d sleep with my contacts in if it meant someone would see me with my eye crossing. Only my closest friends have actually seen me without my contacts. So few actually, some didn’t even know I wore contacts…much less needed them since I was two years old!

On Tuesday, I finally gave in…I made an appointment for Wednesday with Saddleback Eye Center for a Lasik consultation. I had no idea how much it would cost me…which is sort of why I wanted to go to the consultation. On Wednesday I arrive, slightly nervous…and true to form, I couldn’t pass up an incredible deal. An incredible deal with a top-notch surgeon. I took the plunge that very same day…I qualified for the financing…I got my eyes all lasered up! I walked out of the office three hours later with crazy goggles covering my eyes.

Today is Thursday, and I couldn’t be more happy with the most spontaneous decision I’ve ever made. I am rockin’ some 20/20 vision, and I’m told it will get better in the coming weeks. Pretty damn awesome!

And yes, I did almost jab myself in the eye last night as I went to take out my contacts…force of habit!

The remaining question… why did I wait for almost 29 years?? Quick, easy…painless. I wish everything in life was this easy!!


One of my goals this year was to blog at least once a week…at least I think that’s what it was…at any rate, I get a big fat FAIL where that’s concerned for the last couple of weeks.

No, this isn’t because there isn’t anything going on. Quite the opposite in fact. Turns out it takes a bit of effort to uproot your life from one state to another, the older you get. I’ve been in hot pursuit of job opportunities in Austin, along with figuring out where I’ll live. All of this has done a number on my sleep patterns. It seems that I’m incredibly busy all day, every day and I’m exhausted when I get home and am excited to let my head hit the pillow – when to my dismay, there I lay, staring at the ceiling, night after sleepless night. Oy.

Alas, things are beginning to fall into place. I’m heading to Austin again next week to take another load of things down there, and *fingers crossed* I’ll get a lease signed, and maybe have an interview or two.

So there’s the update. I guess I’ll write about something sort of meaningful. As if that wasn’t. Eeeeck!