Saturday, December 26, 2009

Twenty - Ten!! Com'mer! I'm ready for you!!

  • As 2009 comes to an end, I figured it was time to evaluate where I’ve been…and where I want to go. Time to shoot for the stars and set some serious goals. I'm telling you can hold me to it!! Got it?!?
    No laughing...these are serious goals! Oh...and I included a "why" in two months, I actually remember why it was so important to me today!!

  • Build Shore Break Consultants – this is what I want!! Like really want. I want to be my own boss, and build a business on my terms.
  • Compete in 2 marathons - shorten best time 4:38 by 30 minutes. - I want to qualify for Boston...and this is about half of the time I need to shave off to qualify.
  • Finish a half-marathon in less than 2 hours - I've never done it...and came painfully close once.
  • Do one pull up. - I've never been able to do why not now??
  • Take SERIOUS steps to finding my dad. (I slacked on this last year...BIG time!) - It's time. I see the need to find understanding in the situation. I want to be able to move forward in my life, knowing who he is, and who I am because of him.
  • Pay off two of my credit cards - Honestly, it's a stressor. One which I always have, no matter how much I have made. Paying them off will allow me to start reprogramming my need for "scarcity".
  • Visit 2 new states - There is so much to see here in the US and I want to be one American who actually takes advantage of it.
  • Travel internationally - There is so much to learn about other cultures, places and yourself in international travel. Having done it two years in a row...I see the value it adds to my life, despite the cost!!
  • Blog every two weeks - I've found comfort in finding myself in writing.
  • Read one book a month - I don't read enough. End of story.
  • Get back to my fighting weight - In my fighting weight, I had confidence. And I had knees that weren't sore from running!
  • Give up soda – my one exception might be with cocktails - Its soooo bad for me. There's absolutely nothing good about it.
  • Go on vacation with my mom - She deserves it. And I need to spend more time with her.
  • Volunteer one hour a month - I get...from giving.
  • Finish one chapstick before losing it or washing / drying it - I've never done it. And I'm beginning to think it's impossible.
  • Avoid high fructose corn syrup at ALL costs - It's terrible. Absolutely terrible.
  • Avoid fast food at ALL costs - Again. it's terrible. And it costs money...and it's just not good for me.
  • Buy organic when possible - I could use some good foods free of hormones, pesticides and other junk in my life. We all could!
  • Make sure my nieces know me – go home as often as possible - I want my nieces to know who I am. End of story. I want them to know that they're loved.
  • Spend quality time with my mom - I don't do this enough...and I don't want to regret having an opportunity to...and not taking it.
  • Run 10 miles per week, minimum - When I'm not training, it's easy for me to let this slide. Running allows me to clear my head, and focus on the things that deserve my focus more than anything else does.
  • Visit my grandma’s grave site whenever I’m home - I don't want to be the busy person who doesn't have time to visit and pay respect to the people who helped form her into the person she is.

    Business Goals:
  • Retain 4 repeat customers - business are sustained on a strong client base
  • Network events once a month - business are built on building new relationships
  • Newsletters or flyers out every 3 months - to put myself "in front" of people on a continuous basis...that isn't overwhelming
  • Initiate some sort of referral program - to show gratitude for the relationships I have and the ones I gain.
  • Tweet successes, leverage social media - it's a new age...and this outlet is taking the world by storm
  • Leverage existing relationships to gain contacts and clients!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

As of this moment… I have…

Been on 3 different continents…
In 4 different countries…
In 8 different states…
In 6 different time zones…
In 11 different airports…
Seen 3 different Oceans…
Lauched my business…
Heard and seen Dave Matthews perform nine different times, in three different states, in 6 different cities…
Realized the value of the people in my life…and the true meaning of friendship…
And spent time with each and every one of my favorite people on this planet…

I’ve done it all since August 18th.

Not. Too. Shabby.

Music to the SOUL!

Ever have one of those moments that magically transports you back to this other moment in time in the story of your life?

When I first met Stephen it was February of 2002. I had just made the solo journey from Michigan to Santa Monica, California. I moved in with two guys whom I didn’t know, against the best wishes of my mother. When I arrived in SanMo, Dave was out of town and Eric was still out of the country. Dave had left a note, and said if I was up to it, his friend Stephen was playing at this little venue in Hollywood – and that if I liked bands like Dave Matthews and Jack Johnson…I’d totally dig Stephen. So I went.

Immediately I adored his energy. His voice. His music. I’ve long since said that if a man can sing or play the guitar, it ups his sexy quotient – Stephen Clarke could do both.

As the next couple of years went on, I became a bit of a fixture at Stephen’s shows in the LA area. And every time I heard “Dark Green Light” it’d take me back to the very first time I drove my Jetta down Ocean Avenue and breached the top of the hill and saw the sunshine and the Pacific Ocean staring back at me. It reminded me of that Anna, the brave one who left it all…to live a dream. It would take me back through all of those moments in between that moment and the moment I was standing in now. This song does this to me EVERY time I hear it.

Last week I was in Austin – which is well known as the “Live Music Capitol of the World.” No doubt on that, folks. Both times I’ve been to Austin, there’s been some live music mixed in…and live music, well that’s one of the things in my life that I cannot live without.

While I was in Austin last week, I had the serendipitous luck to be able to catch my friend, Stephen Clarke perform in his new band, Second Day Red. It was strange. Seeing him there. Seeing him nearly five years after he left Los Angeles and headed back to Austin. Seeing him there, while I was in this new stage of my life.

But it was comforting. Comforting to know that no matter where I go, how I grow there will always be those people in my life to remind me of those moments, and that growth.

That night, Stephen closed with “Dark Green Light” and dedicated it to me.

Though so much in my life has changed, that song still makes me want to ‘fly with my arms out wide” – this time I got to fly with five extra years under my belt…and with Liana flying right next to me!

Thank you Stephen!! No matter where I’m at, I’ll always be a ‘super fan”!!

P.s. Check out Stephen and Second Day Red on Itunes!!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Rockin' 2009!

As much as I like to set goals for the New Year...I find it equally important to reflect on where you've been, who you've been with and the things you've done in the past year. 2009 was pretty monumental in the life of me. Sooo...I thought I'd document it with some of my favorite memories...and pictures! Cheers to closing out a rockin' year!

Oh were so long ago. I don't really recall all of your fun happenings. But if there's one thing I'm sure of... There were fun happenings!! And even if there were none, the other 11 months in 2009 make up for it! Hands down!

You know you're in trouble when you hit up Vegas with two of your favorite people!! Fun times were had in early February, when Holly, Liza and I decided we needed to do a mid-year get together. Ahhh... Vegas. Holly, Liza and I at the Wynn for some yummy steak and champagne!

The weekend after Vegas, I journeyed north for our annual ski/board trip to Mammoth. I love Mammoth!! Ashley and I trying to warm eating COLD food.

Dustin and I on our Sake Bomb Night!


After so much anticipation, I finally turned 30!! I might be the only one ever to be super stoked on turning 30...but I was. I feel like a real grownsed up now!! In celebration I invited all of my closest friends to join me at the Wine Lab in Newport Beach!

Lauren helping me celebrate...and feeding me copious amounts of wine!

Visiting 3 new states was on my list of things to do in 2009. I started that out by visiting Utah for some end-of-season skiing with Ashley and Mike! Despite the snow being not so was a fun, fun trip!!

Ashley and I playing in Park City!!

After months of training for the San Diego Marathon, I suffered a sidelining stress fracture in my right tibia. Though, completely and totally devastated to be making it that far in my training, and not running the marathon -- I was excited to be able to cheer on some of my friends...and get to experience a marathon from the other side. It was just as amazing...and just as emotional.

Then there was the return to the Midwest to soak up some Chicago sunshine, spend some time with Liza, Maria and Aubrey!! After Chicago I journeyed north to the Mitten State to spend some quality time with the people I love!!

Da Bean!!

Me and my totally rad cousins!!

Birthdays, beach, and other shenanigans filled the first month of summer!

Liana Invasion 2009!!
Kerensa and I celebrating Jen's 30th!!

Kerensa, Jen, Lauren and I -- Celebrating Lauren's 30th!

I spent the Forth in Bozeman, Montana with Pat and Andrew. Rodeos, fireworks, bbqs and drinks at the Elks Club. All surrounded by the beauty of Montana!! p.s. this is my second state
A Montana sunset!

The view from Pat's deck. Ahhh...
Sad times as I say goodbye to my friends and family at RMRG. Happy times as I begin to launch a business. Big thanks to all the friends that were a part of that endeavor...from the website, to the logo, to the the support. I couldn't have done it without you!

Yes, this entire month can best be described as the month of Dave Matthews concerts. It all started at the Gorge for our annual trip to Washington. After that, it was two nights at The Greek in LA, followed by my very first 2nd row seats at Chula Vista. This was by far my favorite show...since I got my very own drumstick from Carter!! Holla! And then there was Irvine. And then the Ellen Show taping!
Holly, Liza and I at the Gorge...for our favorite weekend of the YEAR!!
Second row center looks like this! Chula Vista!

Ellen taping. Arrive at 9:50, DMB takes the stage at 3:30pm. But it was worth it to be this close!!

On the advice of some wise friends, I decided NOT to renew my lease...and to take some time to travel and build my business. First stop, Chicago and Michigan. It was amazing to spend so much quality time with my best friend, her girls and my family. I even had time to visit Ann Arbor and the Big House. Sadly, the boys didn't stand a chance against Penn State.
Aubrey and I -- in the glass box which hovers above Chicago on the 104th floor of the Sears Tower!

Two of my favorite girls - Kamilah and Jazzy

My cousins are a little crazy. And this is why we're family!

Fall in Ann Arbor can't be beat. Especially with Sarah!!

South....Africa. What an amazing opportunity and experience. Big thanks to Chase for the invite. And TJ for hosting. And to the rest of my travel buddies...I couldn't have asked for a better group of people to share that time with!

The traveling crew on Boulder Beach!


Austin for a week and a half with a random turned amazing friend. Liana is awesome and I'm so glad I could get to hang out with her!! And then it's Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds in Vegas. And then... New Mexico. (that will be state numero tres!)

(Pics coming soon!!)

All in all, an amazing year filled with great friends, growth, opportunities, frequent flier miles and memories. To those of you who have been a part of it...many, many thanks!! I'm lucky enough to be surrounded by some of the world's greatest people. And for that...I'm forever thankful! All the best to you in the New Year! Cheers to making 2010 even better than the 09 version!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Southern Gents

So there is some truth in that whole "southern gentleman" thing. Let me explain...
I landed in Austin last Thursday. My totally rad friend, Liana was there, curbside with a sign saying, "Welcome ANNA BANANA!!" to greet me when I walked out of the airport doors. This past weekend we did a quick little road trip to Dallas. It was a girls / guys trip. You see, Liana’s finance, Terry was playing in a flag football tournament with his friends Otto and Ben. So us girls just tagged along!

Though, there was plenty of fun and laughter a plenty – there were lessons to be learned and life changes to be made. Sure, I’ve written about friendships and relationships in the past, but this trip to Austin further developed the things I’d been thinking and feelings.
Terry stands about 6’-3". A cowboy in every sense of the word. Ok, so he doesn’t ride a horse (or a cow)…but he does wear cowboy hats and has a giant truck, that rumbles loudly. He has guns, as in he carries them. Not that we’d need it, but IF we did…he’d have it. Now, Liana, she’s 5’-2" and probably barely hits a 100 pounds. Sure, she’s small…but she’s a strong, independent, I-can-take-care-of-myself, sort of girl. She doesn’t exude the, "I need a big burly man to take care of me." Quite the opposite. Why does any of this matter? Terry protects and looks out for Liana like it’s his job in life. I noticed that the moment I met him. He adores her. Wants her to be happy. Will do anything to protect her safety. I liked him immediately. I liked him because he was loving and taking care of this woman, my friend the way she deserved to be loved and cared for.

Well, apparently Terry doesn’t JUST care for Liana. He cares for everyone he’s friends with. And his friends…yea, they’re the same way. On our drive to Dallas, the boys would call us, to make sure we weren’t hungry or needed to go to the bathroom. If they didn’t see our lights right behind them, they’d worry. When we got stopped at a red light, and they got to Starbucks, all three of them waited outside so we could all walk in together. None of this was to be controlling or overbearing…it was because they cared and wanted us to be safe, because the respected us. There was never a moment that I thought it was too much. Though, Liana let me know sometimes it can be. Oh well, I saw the love and good intentions in their actions.

On the ride home, as I thought about these respectful, thoughtful and generous southern gentlemen, I wandered back to a drive to Mammoth last year. A drive when my guy friends were willing to leave us girls behind to drive it alone. They’d call and ask us to pick things up that they forgot. When we arrived, they were joyfully drinking cocktails…our cocktails were no where in sight. I knew I was annoyed that particular day, but couldn't quite put my finger on why I was annoyed. As I said before, hindesight is 20/20...and it's now clear to me that I didn't feel respected by the very people who should be respecting me. My friends.
It was at that point, I decided I could learn something from these Texans. As I’m not settling for the man who is lucky enough to get to spend his life with me…I’m also not settling in the friend department.

A friend picks you up from the airport, even when they're sick or tired.
A friend waits for you when you fall behind.
A friend helps carry your load.
A friend cares enough to ask how you're doing.
A friend know what you need, is ready to give...without you having to ask.

A friend does this, because they know that you'd do exactly the same thing for them.

While I think I have plenty of friends who’d act in much the same way as these guys did, I’d like to thank Otto, Terry and Ben for showing me what a gentleman is, and how he acts, how he treats his lady, his friends, strangers on the street and his family. Your actions have showed me there is no reason to settle for any sort of relationship.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

20/20 Vision

You know it's sometimes true what they say:
"Don't eat spicey food before you go to bed"

"Don't use a hairdryer in the bathtub"

and... “you can never connect the dots looking forward, only looking back.

And "hindsight…it’s always 20/20.”

Once in awhile I think, "I wonder why this person is in my life." And sometimes, I can actually figure it out, so that’s fun!! Sometimes it's a lesson which only they can teach me. Or which I must teach them. Sometimes it's them who helps me get to the next phase in life...or through the phase I'm in now. Sometimes, it just for good old fashioned friends...

A few years ago I flew to Austin with Jen and Jody to go to Austin City Limits. (Note: If you’ve never been and you heart music as much as Jen and I do…you HAVE to check it out!!). Jen utilized the powers of social networking and found us some fellow Wolverines living in Austin. We were only trying to find cool things to see and do, but these really cool fellows invited us to meet out with them that night. We proceeded to hang out with them for the remainder of our time in.

In the case of one of those guys, I can with 100% conviction affirm that he was put in my life so that I could meet Liana!! (Note: I must also thank myspace and facebook for allowing this friendship to prosper.) How do I know that’s why he was in my life? Well, I don’t talk to Marc anymore. And neither does Liana. And guess who’s visiting her in Austin now? And guess who was with her when she tried on wedding dresses for the very first time? Yea, that’s right…ME!

I think you’re one of the most amazing people on this planet. Your spirit for life is contagious. I love that we met at some bar on 6th Street, and this is where our friendship has grown to. I’m honored to call you a friend and have you in my life!! Holla two times! I’m soooo excited to be able to spend so much time with you!!
Much Love-
Michigan Anna Cali

On the day it started...

Monday, December 7, 2009

A little trip to... South Africa!!

A random invitation came from a former colleague who I only recently began started hanging out with on a personal level. She too was laid off from Red Mountain. We were poolside, on a sunny, Southern California day when she asked…”would you want to go to South Africa with me?” Would I want to?? Be serious!! South Africa has been on my list of places to see for quite some time. I thought about it. For awhile. Remembering a recent conversation I had had with Berenice, I decided that opportunities like this don’t come around often. I decided that I had to take it. With that, I began looking at fare prices with Chase. Within a week from that day at the pool, we had two, round-trip tickets booked to Cape Town, South Africa. Really?? Was I really doing this?? I was going to South Africa.

I’ll admit, leading up to the departure date, my life was a little chaotic, and by little chaotic, I mean…VERY chaotic. I was in Michigan for almost three weeks and upon my return back to Orange County, I needed to finish selling off my furniture and moving my belongings. Clothes and essentials to the Gurski’s. Things I didn’t need to Misa’s. The cat who I adore and some random things which were left over…to Michelle’s. I had exactly one week to pack up my apartment, move my things, move out of the apartment, to the Gurski’s…and oh yeah, prepare for a trip of a lifetime. Needless to say, I wasn’t able to really think about the trip much as there was too much on my mind. But I did it. With 5 hours to spare, I had time to sleep before I had to meet Chase for our trip to LAX.

The flight to Cape Town was anything but awesome. Ok, so we were on a partially full flight to Amsterdam from Houston, so we had some room to actually comfortably sleep. But, the flight from Houston was delayed…but we were assured if we didn’t make the connection in Houston, Continental would put us up for the night in Amsterdam. I mean…I can think of worse places to be “stuck”. Once we landed in Amsterdam, I hauled ass to the E terminal from the G terminal. Despite working those running shoes, I arrived to our gate to find out that our seats have been given away and we’d be rebooked. Well, we’re gonna have fun in Amsterdam, I thought. Not the case. We were rebooked…but to London…then to Cape Town. So five hours in the Amsterdam airport…what were we to do? Drink some domestic beer…that’s what. Did you know, 25 dollars will buy you, ONE pitcher of beer in Amsterdam. Effing’ euro. Oh well.

After a 4 hour stop in London, and over 30 hours later…we were FINALLY on our way to Cape Town.

The Players:
Me: Anna
Chase: Former colleague, now friend
Dustin: Chase’s brother
Kirsten: Dustin’s girlfriend
TJ: Dustin’s roommate, who is originally from Cape Town, now living in San Francisco doing her Master’s.
Cary: TJ’s boyfriend
Angela / Ang: TJ’s best friend in Cape Town
Nelson: TJ’s other best friend in Cape Town
Anj: TJ’s father

Day One:
Once we land in Cape Town, we are picked up by Nelson who’s a manager at the Cape Grace Hotel (read…one of the BEST hotels in all of South Africa). We were staying at the hotel that night…and man, oh, man…were we excited for our new digs. Plushy beds, bathrobes, slippers, and a view of the waterfront.
We met Nelson after we showered up and napped for lunch. He treated us with South Africa’s favorite shooter – the Springbok. Mmm… Tasty. It was pouring outside, so we decided to stay at Bascule, the Wine and Whiskey bar at the Cape Grace…I did some whiskey tasting. Yum.

Day Two:
We were joined by the rest of the crew. We had lunch with TJ’s father, Anj and her brother Patrick. After that, we went back to Anj’s house to get settled in. This would be home for the next week and half.

Day Three:
Our first full-day we went out to Boulder Beach to see the sand Penguins. Who would have thought there would be penguins hanging out on the beach! I just wanted to climb over that railing and go sit next to them.
After playing with the penguins we went to Cape Point, this is where the Atlantic Ocean meets the Indian Ocean. It was breathtaking up there. During the drive up, we noticed numerous signs which warned us of baboons. Apparently they are “dangerous” animals. Despite their danger…I wanted to see one!! On our way out, we hit some traffic…caused by a baboon crossing the street.
That night we had a fun dinner and were joined by Ang and Nelson. I’d show pictures of that…but my first six days of photos got inadvertently deleted from my camera.

Day Four:
Our next adventure was going to be heading up to Table Mountain, one of Cape Town’s quintessential tourist attractions. Well, it was raining…and cloudy…so we went to the mall for a bit and then to a pub. Its funny how pubs can be a good alternative to just about any rained out adventure.

Day Five:
What better way to start the day, than getting your friends together, and getting picked up by a 9-passenger van with a driver? P.S. The van has been stocked with snacks, orange juice, and champagne. I’m pretty sure that the driver, Dominick, had no idea what his day was going to be like. He gave us the run down of the “Wine Farms” we’d be visiting on our adventure. Chase and I were particularly excited about the last stop… cheese. Mmmm… Silliness ensued after the first stop. Dominick had a jammin’ mix cd that he was bumping though the van. Our particular favorite… Sexy Chic. Yea, I still wish I had that video of Chase dancing to it. All in all, a fun, fun day full of friends, laughter, and WINE! And needless to say, we weren’t able to get cheese at our last stop…Dominick decided we were “too rowdy” to go to that wine farm. Fail.

Day Six:
Our next adventure had us heading out to Hermanus to watch the whales play. The drive out was about 2 hours…but so worth it to see the scenic drive and the whales. We didn’t see any breach, but we got to see their backs, their heads and tales!

On the drive home, I was overcome by the “townships” scattered throughout the country. South Africa has a huge disparity between the wealthy and the poor. The poor, mostly the blacks of the country, live in these makeshift communities. Constructed of garbage essentially. Though, the government has declared this land free for them to live, with free electricity – they are governed not by police, but by gangs. In fact, a few years back, the government constructed “project” type homes, the gangs couldn’t decide who should be able to live in these homes…and to today, they sit vacant. Seeing how these people lived made me feel sad for the lack of equality…and it made me feel humbled and blessed for the things and opportunities I have been provided in my life.

Day Seven:
After our day-long wine drinking extravaganza, I wasn’t anticipating any of us being ready for what was in store for our Friday night in Cape Town. We met everyone out for dinner…it was Nelson’s last night in town, and he declared that we were all “going big tonight.” Hmmm… ok, Nelson. After dinner we hit up a couple of clubs. There were Jager Bombs and shots a’ plenty. I don’t think Cape Town had any idea “Team USA” was on the prowl!!

Day Eight:
On Saturday, Angie’s family invited Team USA into their home for a bri. A bri is essentially a South African BBQ. Angie’s father cooked up quite a meal!! We spent the rest of the evening, eating, sipping wine, and playing board games. A nice night indeed!

Day Nine:
Our last day, we packed up Anj’s new car; Dustin got behind the wheel and headed out to our overnight safari. The drive was long, but scenic. And worth it. We got to go on two game drives at the Game Reserve. We saw giraffes, zebras, rhinos, elephants, impalas, cheetahs, springbok, lions and wildebeests up close.
Though, I spent a fair amount of time in Cape Town, I could have easily spent another two weeks there. The country is as diverse as it is beautiful. I had no idea what I had in store when I booked the ticket. I couldn’t have asked for better traveling partners or better hosts! I’m definitely KEEN to go back soon.

For the full album of pictures – go to this link!!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Greener Grass

Getting together with my beautiful cousins, Jessica, Krystal and Lindsey, while I’m home has become a bit of a tradition. Traditions which I’m so grateful for, as these girls, are the ones in my family whom I feel closest to. Sure, I’m older than all of them; almost 10 years separate Lindz and I. I changed her and Krystal’s diapers back in the day. But, our relationship is this amazing mix of friendship, family and sisterhood. We laugh, we gossip, we talk about boys and our futures. I know that all three of them look up to me in some capacity; all of our family knows that. I don’t think that they know how much I actually admire each of them – for their drive, their motivation, for their tenacity and for their vision to change the things they know, the things which are familiar to the things which they truly desire. For their ability to chase each of their dreams.

While I was home in Michigan this last time, the four of us got together. Just the four of us, without boyfriends, without husbands. True to the form of every woman I know on this planet, the conversation quickly turned from what we were doing, to the men in our lives. I sat there loathing where we were going. Sure, I have men in my life…but none which were awesome enough to bring up to my sisters, my family. The three of them went on and on about how awesome my life is, and how jealous they are for the things I can do; go to see 8 Dave Matthews shows in 12 days, travel the world, get to ride my bike and run in the sunshine, and enjoy my freedom.

In that conversation I became sad. Sad that I didn’t always appreciate the opportunities I have been afforded in my life. Sure, I’m older than them, have graduated college and make a good living for myself…I should be living a life that makes me happy…one that I can financially afford. The sadness also arose from the longing to have what they have, a boyfriend, a husband…hell, I’d be happy with a guy who appreciated me and took active measures to hang out with me.

I began to wonder if anyone is every truly happy with their lives. Or if the grass is always greener on the other side. They long for the freedom, adventure and fun in my life while I long for the stability, comfort and affection in theirs.

Later that week I found myself sitting at a kitchen table with my mom, my aunt and my cousin Kim, we weren’t talking about anything in particular and out of no where my aunt said something about…”when you get married and have kids…” That’s when I lost it. I certifiably lost it on my family. As the emotion rose up to my face I remember saying something about how frustrating it was that every time I was home, someone had to bring up the fact that I’m not married and I don’t have kids. I got it folks, I’m completely aware of the things which I do not have in my life, I don’t need reminders. I continued on with a line about being happy with my life, very happy. I’m happy with the things I’ve done, and get to do. And that I’m ok with NOT being married and not having kids right now. Kim interrupted with, “yea, it’ll happen when it’s supposed to happen.” I reminded them “that it MAY not happen at all” and that they needed to be ok with that too.

I immediately regretted losing my cool with them. But I think that conversation honestly freed me. Freed me from the pressure that whether real or implied my family, my friends, and the rest of the world had on my shoulders. It was in that moment I truly appreciated my life. And that I was ok with waiting for the next chapter, knowing that when it happens, that’s when it’s supposed to happen. I want the real thing, I don’t want a “maybe this could work” or… “if I do this and he does that…we could make it work” thing. I want the One who makes being with him a joy; makes my moments with him filled with compassion, laughter, friendship, support and love.

As time passes, this lesson and this moment can dim ever so slightly…and I find myself making compromises with myself. And as if the world knows that’s the place I’m in, it sends me reminders. Reminders like that couple who sat next to me at the hockey game. Who held hands all three periods, who laughed with one another and looked into each others eyes as they spoke. I told them I thought they were adorable, and asked how long they’d been married. Five years seemed like a short time for the gray hair they both had. The woman looked me in the eyes and said, “it’s worth waiting for. I promise you. I can’t imagine my life without him in it, and I’m grateful that I waited for him to come into my life.”

Thank you, Cute Couple. You gave me the reminder I needed. In the meantime, I’m going to enjoy the moments, opportunities and life which I’ve been given, and which I have chased down with the passions in my heart.


Have you ever looked at yourself and your life and thought…”whoa, how did I get here? How did I become THIS person?” I’ve remembered thinking that as I rub my hands together, in exactly the way my mom has always done. Upon my return back to the States from Cape Town, I remember sitting in my closet, “thinking how on earth did I get here??” Not literally in the closet, of course…but here in my life. My life is nearly 178 degrees different from the life I had back on August 17th, the day *before* I was laid off from Red Mountain.

Once a planful, methodical, logical thinker and calculated risk taker, I’m now finding myself in this spontaneous, follow your heart, live the life YOU want…not the one which THEY want sort of person.

I literally sold most all of my belongings. Ok, ok, I obviously kept the really good stuff like the 50” Plasma, my clothes, my Ipod and Bose soundstage and my amazing Calpholan pans. It was a strange process, seeing your things, the things you’ve worked hard to obtain just get walked out the door in the hands of strangers. (p.s. I love Craigslist for providing the means for this to occur) Just like that, I felt a little bit freer. Free from the grips of the world. Free to enjoy this journey.

I also, moved in with my amazing friends, Alex and Berenice. This was no easy feat, since I’ve always prided myself on being this independent, I can do it all myself sort of person. And here I am, living in a guest room turned, Anna room with very little things to remind me of the life I just had. Almost daily, I get asked if I’ll be “home for dinner”…as cheesy as it sounded at first, you’re asking a 30-year old grown woman if she’ll be home for dinner, like I was 15 again…I found the love in it. It feels good to be a part of something bigger than just myself. To be a part of a family.

Probably hardest of all, was packing up all of Stella’s things and driving her up to Michelle’s house. Tears welled up in my eyes as I merged onto the 405 North, I decided to stop holding them back. To cry. To sob uncontrollably at the thought of saying goodbye to the one constant in my life for the last five years. Sure I knew that she’d be in good hands. I knew Michelle would love her, as I do. I thought back to all of the moments I’d had with Stella in the last five years, the break-ups and heartbreak over saying goodbye to boyfriends and friends in my life. To the high points of moving into my apartment in Irvine. To my family visiting. To all of the naps we’d take, her snuggled into my armpit. She got me. She knew when I was sad, and let me know in her own feline way that it was going to be ok, and that she loved me. I’m only recently starting to sleep somewhat normally, some say it was jetlag, I honestly believe it’s because Stella hasn’t been there.

So those three are the super obvious changes. Slowly I’m starting to realize the little changes I’ve made in my life and in myself. I think this freeing, this world I live in now that has little to no stress, has freed me to think in ways I’m not really wired to think in.

I’ve found myself really valuing the people around me. Being genuinely thankful for their presence in my life. Not that I wasn’t always appreciative of them… I just find myself being more aware of the good people in my life. And with that, I’m less inclined to tolerate the people who aren’t giving me exactly what I’d give them. At the end of the day, I want to be surrounded by like-minded people. I don’t have time for sometimes-friends, because I have too many always-friends. And those are the people who I want to spend my time with.

When an invitation to go to Cape Town was presented, by a friend who I’d say, I wasn’t REALLY that close with. I threw caution to the wind and accepted. Sure, I didn’t know if I’d have enough money or if we’d be good traveling partners. I trusted my gut. And my gut said GO. I couldn’t have asked for a better group to travel with. I couldn’t have asked for a more amazing experience. I had no idea what I’d see there, usually my trip were planned out with itineraries. I sat back, and enjoyed the ride this time, and walked away with some amazing new friends and a stronger relationship with Chase.

I’m finding that I can now take a leap of faith, instead of overwhelming myself with the pros and cons of a situation. Sure I know the consequences of this particular leap. But the rewards seem like a likely outcome too. I’ve never been much of a gambler. But I gambled a little this week. Figuratively, of course! More on that in a future post. J

Likely there are other isms that have changed in me over the course of the last 4 months, but I thought these were worthy of being noted. It’s been an incredible ride so far. True story!!

Friday, November 27, 2009

What am I supposed to do the day AFTER Thanksgiving??

Note: I haven't posted in awhile, but true to form, I have a lot on my mind that I am shooting to get written out and posted - like that little trip I just returned know the one, where I went to South Africa! However, you'll have to wait for that. There's other stuff on my mind today like yesterday.

Dear Thanksgiving:

You're truly one of my most favorite holidays. What with all that yummy food, and delicious desserts. But I don't believe people really give you credit for what you are...the day to give thanks. To be thankful. Now I for one, am not of the "Give Thanks on Thanksgiving ONLY" camp. I actually make a concerted effort to show my gratitude the moment if it's necessary. A while ago, back in my Red Mountain days, the folks over at PL&L wanted us to carry "Gratitude Rocks." I never did. Not because I didn't like the idea, but because I think if you need a rock to remind yourself to be've got bigger issues. Sure, it'd remind me...but I should be reminding myself. And frankly, no I did NOT want a damn rock in my pocket or purse. I aspire to be someone who is thankful all the time, not just on your day. So while I do enjoy the food that comes out in hoards (but not the dishes that I inevitably help in cleaning) and the thankful-ness in the air on the last Thursday of November, I do wish you'd come around more often. Like every day. Ok, ok, not the food part, but the thankfulness part.


With that, and in no particular order...and NOT on are some things I am thankful for:

  • My health, and my legs. As much as I sometimes hate running, I really do appreciate that I can.
  • My freedom. And the people who are protecting that.
  • My family. As dysfunctional as we sometimes are, those people are part of who I am. Part of who I will always be. And honestly, the holidays just don't seem the same without them.
  • Stella. It took me dropping her off at Michelle's to really, REALLY see the impact that she's had on me, my life and my sleeping patterns. Her love is unconditional.
  • Speaking of Michelle, I'm thankful for her too. Your friendship, support, and generosity in taking care of my baby while I'm on my journey means the world to me. I can only hope the rest of you have people like her in your life.
  • For the Gurski's. Without you guys I'm not sure Orange County would have ever become home. Thank you for inviting me into your home and your family.
  • Facebook. Yes, I'm thankful for that. For keeping me connected with friends through status updates, messages and photos. You allow me to keep tabs on just about anyone who's path has crossed mine in the last...oh, 30 years.
  • For Eric, who compassionately laid me off from Red Mountain, and freed me to do the things I want to do. Have dreamed of doing.
  • For Sarah, whose friendship seems to grow as days and years pass. For your daughters who have reminded me to slow down, and cherish the moments I have with them. I only wish I could get time with you more often.
  • For the little angel on my shoulder the last week who has prevented me from being in 3, yes, three accidents on the freeway, that happened...right in front of me. I'm not sure why, but someone is making sure I'm safe and sound.
  • To Chase and the rest of Team USA...for being the raddest travel companions anyone could have. South Africa was amazing BECAUSE you were there with me.
  • I'm thankful that there is Cholula here in California. Any state that doesn't have this, is not a state I wish to be part of,'re second.
  • To Manus, honestly -- you're one of the best people in my life. You've taught me to wait patiently, love strongly, stand up for what you believe, to have integrity and honor, and how a man should treat a lady.
  • To the people who sat next to me at the hockey game this week...for reminding me what I'm waiting for. I want the love like you have. And I'm ok waiting for it. Thanks for the reminder.
  • And lastly... leggings, internet access, Trader Joe's amazing black bean dip and dark chocolate covered pretzels, for the ocean, my amazing friends and opportunities to travel to see the world, explore, and find myself and discover what my dreams are and how to reach them.

Friday, October 30, 2009

20 Days in the Mitten State

Clearly I’m terrible about writing. I’ll stop apologizing for it…I’m a firm believer that things happen when they’re supposed to…so I guess me writing more frequently just isn’t supposed to happen.

Note: I meant to post this a week ago, I didn’t. So it’s more clear to me now, I do things when I’m supposed to. That being said, I’m summarizing.

I’ve had an amazing 20 days back in the Midwest. So in no particular order, here’s my account of the happenings:

-Gave in to the kid inside of me, and the one standing next to me, and rolled down a really big hill.

-Had a photo shoot with a small group of my most favorite people. The pictures turned out amazing! Thanks for everything, Beck!!

-Politely asked for a 5-year olds only Recees’ Peanut Butter Cup and shockingly she said yes. I can’t say I’d make the same decision if put in her shoes.

-Drank wine and caught up with my bestest friend on this planet, she’s one person who gets me – like few truly do. After all of these years, we can still steal one another’s thoughts and answer for one another.

-Stared in wonderment at the fall colors on the leaves – nearly every day.

-Stood in a glass box, perfectly engineered to cantilever 103 floors above the street – three times. Once with my eyes open. Barely.

-Ate Chicago style pizza for the first time in 15 years.

-Dreamed of a perfect kitchen with Aubs.

-Missed Stella. Tremendously.

-Actually HEARD my mom and cousin tell me how much my cousins look up to me. Adore. Actually I think that’s the word they used.
-Smiled to hear the good news that the University of Michigan Medical Center gave my cousin Pete.
-Found a new appreciation for Ann Arbor.
-Got flashbacks when I walked around the 3rd floor of the architecture building. Spent that time missing it, the people…the experience…and at the same time feeling grateful I wasn’t REQUIRED to be there on a Sunday afternoon.
-Heard my blonde haired, blue-eyed niece yelling my name before I stepped off the train, only to be asked moments later when I’d be leaving. It broke my heart that questions like that, help her cope with the people she loves leaving her.
-Watched a heart-breaking Michigan loss in the final seconds of the game – and the week later miss them make college history AND missed the Buckeyes losing to the Boilermakers!
-Ran around a country block. Turns out they’re WAY bigger blocks up in Fountain, Michigan. Ah, well, a four-miler was exactly what I needed.
-Caught up with a fellow Panther, fellow Californian, and a fellow runner…all the way in Chicago. I love timing like that! It was great to see you John!
-Burned my ass on a radiator.
-Had a drink and caught up with a doctor, a real life doctor!! So great to see you Stacey!
-Cheered on marathoners from mile 25 with a smile and tears in my eyes.
-Spun in circles with two of the most beautiful little girls I know.

-Had a West Michigan style celebrity sighting! I held the bathroom door open for none other than, Mr. Fred Meijer.

-Relished in Jasmin saying my name, over and over. “Nanna. Nanna!”

-Walked down a dirt road with my mom.

-Did a Northern Michigan workout and unloaded a truckful of wood.
-Got my fill of Bell’s Oberon.

-Had dinner with my silly, funny, crazy and beautiful cousins. Twice.

-Felt blessed for the things and people I have in my life.

-Felt jealousy for that which I don’t have.

-Inherited my mom’s anniversary ring.

-Hugged Kamilah and just about cried when she told me she was, “so happy to see me” and that she “had waited for this moment forever.”

-Realized my parents are getting old.

-Laughed with my cousin, who’s really my sister about nothing in particular, but everything in general.

-Got hit on and blown off in less than 24 hours – by the same guy.

-Drank cider and ate warm doughnuts at the Cider Mill.
-Panicked about the things I have to do when I get back to CA.

-Wandered the streets of Chicago – looking at apartments for rent – and wondered if I was going to land there someday.

-Slept 11 hours, straight.

-Watched movies. Lots of them.

-Helped Oliver with his homework. Again.

-Filled my burger from the Butler craving with Juelz.

-Speaking of Juelz, also got my fill of San Chez. Why is that place soooo good?!

-Drank a, not with, Dirty Bastard. Mmmm…Founders!

-Held back tears as I said goodbye to Sarah.

-Hugged the ones I loved as much as I could.

-Boiled over at the “when you have kids…are married…” comment. Again. Seriously folks, I love my life…I’m content being right where I’m at. It’s where I’m supposed to be afterall.

-Felt the tears welling up in my eyes when Nevaeh said…”I don’t want you to leave!!”

-Bought drugs. But not Xanax.

-Did NOT fall asleep to the Snoring Symphony coming from upstairs.

-Did fall asleep with an Ambien. Now THAT was fun times.

-Missed my California friends.

-Tailgated in Ann Arbor.

-Had some smoke of the “wacky tah-backy” blown in my ear. My grandma would be proud.

-Watched the game in the rain and cold, next to the season ticket holder who I was ordered to “get to know”…only because “you two would be great together”

-Told someone what I wanted…and got it.

-Gave into spontaneity and hung out with random, fun strangers. Consequently waking up in a king size bed…between the two of them. No, nothing happened.

-Let down a friend.

-Missed people…while I was still with them – Because I knew I’d have to leave them.

-Ate my Aunt Lori’s cooking. Mmmm…

-Was asleep at 9pm.

-Saw a ballet recital


-Watched the end of Finding Nemo 3 times.


-Wondered if maybe we could be perfect for one another. And then quickly pushed that thought out of my head.

-Was called “Ma’am” by a man in a cowboy hat…who then bought my beer. Thank you Mr. Tulsa, OK.

-Wished I could have seen more people, but felt blessed to have spent my time just the way I did
-Wished it could have lasted just a little while longer.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Mixed Emotions

Tomorrow is the day it begins. Well officially.

I’d be silly to say getting to THIS day hasn’t been a journey.

As I sit here in an apartment that I was SO excited to have, I’m feeling a little sad. I’m sad that I’m leaving it. Leaving this chapter. I’ve spent the week selling off my “things” on Craigslist. Things I worked hard to get – and then I watch them get carried off in someone elses hands. I’ve spent a lot of time putting labels on the things in my life – do I need it? Will I miss it if I don’t have it anymore? Can it be in storage, or does it have to be WITH me?

And despite what Pete says…Stella totally gets that I’m leaving. She’s been extra snuggly and lovey. She knows when there are boxes and suitcases all over the place something is going to happen. I’m going to miss her like crazy. We’ve been through a lot together – yes, I know it sounds silly. But there have been times when it felt like the world walked out. Not Stella. She was right there to remind me she needed water and food, to find a warm spot in the crook of my arm at night, and to bite my toes when I went to the bathroom in the morning. I’m lucky though. Meeshie is going to be a step-mom to Stella Mae while I’m out figuring out the next steps. She’ll love on her like I do…and her nails are WAY longer, so I’m sure Stella will appreciate that!

The good thing about leaving town for a few months, so many people want to spend time with me. Ahhh…Anna and her quality time. I truly heart my time with the people I love. It’s not good-bye with them – but I’m definitely going to miss my friends out here.

With all of this seemingly sadness washing over me…I’m equally full of excitement and happiness. I’m SO excited to see my friends in Chicago. To have drinks with Curt, Stacey, to hang out with Liza and Matt and Aubs. To spend time in one of my favorite cities. AND to be going home. Be serious!! Talks and wine consumption with my bestest friend on this planet. Putting on my “dancing pants” to hang out with Princess Kamilah. Hanging out with my beautiful cousins. And having time to be with my parents. I’m a really lucky girl.

I’m so grateful for the people in my life – and the opportunities I’ve been given. Cheers to the journey. I’ll see you in Chicago and Michigan!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

All you need is LOVE!!

I’m getting things crossed off my list today. Well, my list of things I’ve been meaning to write about anyway…

If you follow my Facebook updates, you’ll remember last week when I was talking about how a book changed my life.

The book that totally changed my life: The Five Love Languages

Randomly this book had been recommended to me by not one, but two guys. Chad, my old roommate had read it with his girlfriend, Christina – they told me how it changed their relationship – and thought that maybe it would be helpful to me. I didn’t think much of it, because from their description it sounded like it was something for couples. And last I checked, yup…I’m not happily coupled up.

Fast forward a month or so. I made the bold move of asking Whip, my “match” friend to join me for the Dave Matthews Band show at the Greek. Bold because, I had already sorta written him – ah, but a classic Anna move – forgive, forget, and move forward. Our conversations on the journey to LA in rush hour traffic lead us to relationships and friendships. I was fresh off my lay-off and was feeling emotional about still not understanding the difference between “friends” and “friendly”. It was shortly after we corked a bottle of Chianti straight from Tuscany, that Whip asked if I ever read the book, “The Five Love Languages.” Random. Another guy, telling me about this book. I made a mental note to find it, and check it out.

I finally got around to doing that last week Thursday. I picked the book up off my nightstand that night at 10pm. I finished the book at about 2pm on Friday. My head was swirling. Thoughts of every relationship and friendship swirled through my head. From my parents, to my best friends, to friends who I thought were best friends, ex-boyfriends, roommates, work colleagues, men I’ve dated, all the way to the people I meet at airport bars. Suddenly every single relationship – success or failure – made PERFECT sense to me. PERFECT SENSE.

Without reciting the whole book – let me say that everyone has a primary love language, they “speak” this language to the people in their lives. This is how they give and receive love without really having to think much about it. The assessment at the end of the book only reaffirmed what I knew a chapter or two into the book. My love language is Quality Time. Shocking right? Nah, not really. Everyone jokes about how I meet people every where and how for some inexplicable reason, I’m able to keep in touch with them. Well, it’s in that Quality Time that I’ve perceived some connection, some level of love.

It’s also in that Quality Time that I oftentimes perceive a love or connection that the other person doesn’t…a little QT simply isn’t their love language. And THAT is how I’ve always confused “friends” and “friendly.”

So the book is phenomal, and totally enlightening. I think everyone should read it. All of humanity. Once we understand how we love, and how others love – we’ll just be happier. I promise. I am.

Yes, I’m evaluating all of you to understand what your love language is…and I’m going to do my best at learning to “speak” that language. If Whip wouldn’t have suggested the book…I probably would have forgotten Chad and Christina’s suggestion. I emailed him to thank him, to let him know I appreciated his active listening. I’m not sure of why the world puts certain people in our lives – but if that is the only reason Whip is in my world today, I’m happy with it and thankful for it.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Announcement

So far, I’m admittedly bad about documenting my thoughts, process and journey. I now have a mental list of things with enough substance to WANT to write about! In the meantime in between time, I’ll write these out…while making a concerted effort to be a bit more diligent in my entries. Less for you, more for me to remember the entire process – start to finish.

With that, I give you (and me) – The Annoucement!!

No, I’m not getting married and I am NOT pregnant. And despite Liza’s attempts to get me to move to Chicago and Amy’s to get me to move me to Seattle – for now, I stay planted in Orange County.

The Announcement that I’m referring to is actually telling everyone about my little project – Shore Break Consultants. Last week I began telling all of my professional contacts about my bold move of venturing out on my own and doing real estate consultanting. I got some amazing feedback. People whom I’ve worked with in various capacities – City Planners, Building and Safety Officials, Architects, Engineers, Clients, Tenants – sent me emails congratulatory in nature. They spoke of where they’re at in the industry – many fearful of the positions they hold being eliminated. They commended me on my determination and motivation to actually “do it.”

I made mental notes of those who responded – knowing that soon I need to reach out to them again. I mean, if they felt that the relationship we had warranted a return email, I could certainly check-in with them again in a few months, right? That’s how businesses are built after all.

It wasn’t until I started mass emailing all of my “personal contacts” – you know, my friends, family, people I’ve met along the way at airport bars, etc that I really began to feel how real this next-step is. My mom called me, practically jumping for joy – she checked out the website and was SO excited to see me – right there on her screen! And how proud she was that all “these people said such nice things about my baby.” The emails came flooding in – old professors, friends from high school, old colleagues.

Those of you who know me, know I don’t take compliments well, and usually volley them back pretty quickly. I’m way more critical of myself and my performance in life than I think is healthy most days. I mean, hell, when I finished my marathon – it wasn’t…”holy EFF, I just finished an effing marathon, that’s 26.2 miles” – it was, “I really, REALLY could have done better.” So that inbox was like my nemesis for a couple of days – speaking about how excited and proud people were. But, then by Saturday, I started giving myself a little bit of credit – for the boldness in the decision. I started thinking, not IF this works out…but in terms of it absolutely WILL work out. I’m excited for the challenge, the adventure, and the journey of me – WITH Shore Break Consultants. I’m ready to build something – and to pursue my dream!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Friends and Sliver Moons

With that…I headed to Vegas. Not for your typical weekend of debauchery. For a weekend with friends who I don’t see often enough, for time away from “home”…and for some serious personal reflection.

My friend Manus is one of the most amazing people on this planet. I am forever grateful he’s in my life…yet still question how our paths crossed and stayed connected for so long. He’s an incredible man of integrity and value. In Vegas, I felt like I went home. I was WITH family. Manus is my brother, his sons are my nephews. I stayed back and talked to the woman who he fell in love with, and recently married. It was my first time meeting, Ms. Margarita…I think both of us understood how important the others opinion was of ourselves in the eyes of a man we both adore. We talked about him, her, the boys, me…and what’s been on my mind lately…MEN! I told her about my decision to pack things up and live a life not void of purpose and direction, but one without CLEAR directions. She told me she KNEW the world had something amazing in store for me. I told her I honestly believed that this time away from the life I’ve built in California is by design. The timing of everything cannot be THAT coincidental. The world is pushing me to do my own thing, to live for myself, take care of myself and surround myself with the ones I love…because whenever this is over…my life will look entirely different.

On the drive home the next day, I found myself lost in thoughts…and staring at a sliver moon. Teeny tiny, skinny little moon…hanging in the middle of the desert, somewhere between Vegas and home. For an hour I kept staring at that moon. I started to wonder why…what is it about this new moon? And just like a baseball bat to the head it hit me! New beginnings are like the beginning of the newest moon. With that, I leave you with “Sliver Moons and Other Musings” as I begin my journey!

The Back Story

The Back Story

Having grown up with a single parent, I’ve learned independence and work ethic, but I lacked quality time with my mom – she was always working. It was over 3 years ago that the world brought me to Red Mountain. At the time, I wanted to learn a different skill set so that at one point in my life, I could follow my dream of being self-employed – and so that one day…when I fell in love, got married and had babies…I could still contribute to the household and to the community AND be a mommy and wife.

I had no idea what the world had in store for me when I walked into Red Mountain for the first time. My world was about to be rocked and I didn’t have a clue what was in store for me. Without getting into the details of the happenings from June 17th, 2006 to the present – let me just say, I learned a lot…and I grew even more - as a person, a woman, companion, friend and daughter. I loved where I worked. Who I worked with, who I worked for…and what I did. There was nothing about my job that was normal, nothing about it that fit into any box. I hated answering the question “what do you do?” What don’t I do? But it wasn’t really work…it didn’t really feel like a job.

It was five weeks ago today, I was laid off from Red Mountain. That day wasn’t as upsetting as I once envisioned it in my head. Prior to this day our company had stood tall at 160 ish people. The day before I fell victim to a “reduction in work-force”…we had 33 employees. I watched this happen to so many of my friends who fell before me. I understood why it needed to happen. I wasn’t resentful that it had to be me. I was grateful for what I had been given over the last three years. I left the office sad for having to walk away, but SO hopeful for what the world had in store for me.

In the five weeks that have passed since that day, my world has been topsy turvey. I rediscovered that dream from years ago…and began putting the pieces into place to start my business. Within weeks I had a business name, DBA, a logo, business cards designed, website, facebook and twitter pages… All for Shore Break Consultants. My cousin Jessica asked me if I was going to be ok, when I told her the news. My response: “do you know me? When I moved to California I had $200 dollars in my pocket and knew one person in the whole state. Today, I have money in the bank, more friends and contacts than I could even know what to do with. I’m going to be FINE!” And with that…I know that the next chapter of my “work” life and Shore Break Consultants is going to be a success. I have too much drive and motivation for it NOT to be.

But who wants to read about that…? In those five weeks, I’ve also learned a lot about people. Their capacities as support and friends. I’ve learned that a lot of those who I would have considered my friends…weren’t there, not even to ask how I was, what I was planning…or just to say hello. Nothing. I got a crash course in learning the difference between “friends” and “friendly”. Turns out, I, Anna Rachelle Lauri, truly think the best of just about anyone I encounter. I find the good in everyone. And because of that, I fall in love with people, maybe not for whom they truly are, but for whom I believe them to be. In a tearful conversation with Amy, she reminded me that this isn’t a bad trait I possess…it’s because of this I have found the most AMAZING people to surround myself with and to call friends. Sure, there are going to people along the way that disappoint and leave me broken hearted – but let’s not focus on those people. Let’s focus on what was…and move on with grace to the next chapter.

With that, it’s been decided that Ashley will not be renewing the lease we’ve shared for the last year. I’m not going to lie and say I’m not sad…and that I don’t think it’s a sign of where I friendship has found itself in the last few months. With that…I honestly didn’t know what I was going to do. Let’s think about this, I love structure, stability. And here I am about to embark on a solo-business venture, which lacks the two things I crave the most. Back to those amazing people…my friend and sister Berenice sat me down last week, to see what it is I was planning on doing with my lease and my living situation. I broke down. Literally. She told me it’d be foolish for me to sign a lease, any lease without understanding with my income stream would be. She said I should stay with her and Alex and Davis. If only temporarily…until I understood what I needed to live. BUT, she continued on…if I was given this “opportunity”…I would take it and travel. The timing is too perfect, Anna, she said. You get laid off and your lease expires within 2 months of each other. Travel. You’re not going to get this opportunity again. She’s right. I know that. But this isn’t the side of the table I expected Berenice to be sitting on. Where I’m head in the clouds, Berenice is feet on the ground. I didn’t expect her to tell me to put things in storage, use their guest bedroom, build a business AND travel. She told me the decision wasn’t complicated. It’s either you’re staying or going. The rest is details. Ah, details.

I decided to do it. To take time off from the structure I know in my life in Orange County and to see what awaits me outside the “Orange Curtain.” Details are starting to get worked out…most importantly who will love and care for Stella. It was my mission, going forward to be open to possibilities…and to take things as they came…find the value, appreciate and keep on moving and growing.