Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Kus, kus...

Monday night I decided to save him as “Dutch Lover” in my phone – every time a text comes through I smile a little bigger. 

Tuesday night he tells me he misses my bed and the person in it.  I’m beginning to think this bed of mine may have made a bigger impression that I did.  There’s a three hour delay to one of my texts – he recognizes that and apologizes for the delay.  He’s sharing a phone with a collegue and apparently, the phone was on a “trip without him”.  I like that he awknowledged it.  Maybe he knows that girls sometimes sit around wondering why people aren’t responding to us at lightening speed!

I begin firing off questions – I want to know the smallest details and the biggest ones.  What’s your middle name?  What part of the Netherlands do you live in?  When do you go back? Is your last name spelled with an E or an A?

He wonders if I’m doing a background check on him and tells me he wishes we could be laying next to each other as I play 20-questions with him.  And I assure him that no background check is needed – that even despite the fact that I once dated a tat’ted up military guy who was in military prison once… that he passed the creepy / murderer test.  That I trusted him. 

I ask if there’s a chance… even a small one that we might get to see one another before he leaves.  He isn’t sure if or when they’ll have time off on Sunday – but if he does that getting to me will be on the top of his list. 

I tell him I’ll drive wherever and whenever – even if I only get to see him for a little bit it’s better than not seeing him at all.

And then it’s goodnight. 

“Goodnight handsome, kus, kus” I tell him.  And then ask if he’s proud that I’m picking up Dutch already?

“Kus, kus lieverd!:)” he says… and that he figured I remembered that word… and that it made him smile.  

I smile, knowing he's smiling.

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