Tuesday, February 7, 2012

More kus, kus

I’m not sure why the Universe was shining down on me like it was that Wednesday – but EVERYthing that could go right DID.  It was such a happy, full day.  After I left my terrible job, and was offered an amazing opportunity to “volunteer” for a friend to at his tradeshow booth – in exchange for a Platinum Badge for SXSW, I said… I don’t want to have a job until April so I can take advantage of it.
And just like that, I asked, and I believed it was possible – and boom! I received.  That day, I locked down a contract to do some work with a production company working on a Google event. Just like that, I’m Anna Lauri, Production Assistant.  With the money I get for those two weeks of work, I’ll make more than I did a month at Michelle’s.

Annnnd… I listed my apartment on airbnb.com which is this amazing site which allows people to rent peoples rooms, apartments, houses, sofas, etc.  It’s like the anti-hotel.  And because every hotel in all of Austin is booked for SXSW, this seems like a profitable and awesome idea.  My place is listed for two hours… and just like that, rented for half of the time.  I have to leave my place for 5 days and I’ll get more than my rent and utilites for the entire month.  With that… I have officially locked down my expenses to carry me through March.

All day long I want to tell Devin.  All day.

I send him a text…pretty much telling him I hope his day has been as great as mine… and I was waiting all day to tell him.

What kept me he asked?

“I wanted to be respectful of the fact he’s working.  And I don’t need a Dutch Army commander type mad at me that I’m distracting one of his soldiers… presumably the best looking and baddest ass of all of them.”

“Haha, wat ben je toch en engel?” he asks.

Nope.  Not an angel.  Just Anna.  Being honest.  And falling in love with a boy. 

Then he says…“I reaaaaaaally want to see you before I go!”

I tell him I have this crazy feeling he will see me before he goes.  And the last time I had a crazy feeling, I met some Dutch guy in a bar and told him he was beautiful and I loved him.

He reminded me that I said this more than once and I nearly had him blushing.

Getting my flirt on… I asked, “ tough guys blush?”

Only “certain people get the special treatment,” he says.

We talk about karma.  How we both believe that what you put out is what you get back.  He tells me he’s happy, that I’m so happy.  I tell him it seems he’s pretty happy too.

“YES I AM!!!!”

He tells me he’s about to step into dinner with a friend and he thinks it’s rude to text when you’re with someone.  I couldn’t agree more.  And respect him more for doing so.  I tell  him I’ll practice being patient in the meantime.

I’ll tell you one thing, when you’re waiting on something you want… the time seems to creep by… and three hours can see like an eternity.  FINALLY he writes back.

“How’d that work for you?”

I tell him I was strangely patient… a small lie, considering I was so eager to hear back from him.  But I knew I would eventually.  He has always struck me as the type that follows through.  Who says what he means, and means what he says.  I tell him I appreciate and adore this about him.  He tells me that first impressions and gut feelings are usually good and at least for him, work out. 

At about this time, my friend Misa was texting me.  It was then that I said it aloud.  I’d been thinking it for awhile… but the through hadn’t escaped my mind and actually been articulated into words.  And certainly not audible ones. 

“If he asked me to marry him tomorrow.  I would.  I’d run, not walk to the nearest courthouse.  This is it.  It’s him.”

Who the hell have I become?  The Anna Rachelle Lauri I know would never say something like this.  

He tells me there’s one thing that he didn’t like about last Saturday night.  My bed was amazing.  And that now he hates the one he’s sleeping on now. I tell him I’m starting to think he likes my bed more than me. 

He tells me he’s sorry for deceiving me… and then immediately follows it up with: “No I can’t even do this as a joke, it makes me feel guilty!”  Seriously?  This guy doesn’t even want to pretend to hurt my feelings.  I love him.

Is het oud nieuws dat ik echt echt, wish you were here.  Of ik warren er.  Or we waren allebeiergens anders?  Together.

He tells me it may be old news… but it’s still definitely relevant.

I continue with my 20 questions…he answers.  Nothing but sweet answers.

He tells me it’s time for him to call it a night again… “lonesome in my horrible bed :p sleep well, schat, kus kus”

I tell him I’m there in spirit and would sleep in a horrible bed or in the cacti anywhere really – if I were next to him. 

Kus kus.  

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