Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Left side...

I always sleep on the side of the bed closest to the door because I almost always get up in the middle of the night.  This makes my late night journey to the bathroom a few steps shorter.  This was no exception the night that Devin was here.  I was on the right side of the bed, he slept on the left.  

At some point in our text conversations he asked me if I knew of any "good places to stay in Austin."  I told him I could think of one, the left side of my bed.  He laughed and told me that but "back at home I sleep on the right."  I told him he can sleep on whatever side he wants to sleep... so long as I'm next to him.

He told me my bed was big, and that there was room for us both in the center, he on the right, me on the left... with room on either side for Stella.

This morning I woke up on the left side of my bed.  I never do that.

Maybe my subconscious was trying to get closer to him, since that's the last place he lay... and I wanted to take him in one more time.  Maybe I was preparing myself for a life of the left side.  Who knows.  Maybe I just had too much dayquil and was more tossy-turny that usual.

Wishing with everything in me... I'm forced to sleep on the left side.

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