Monday, February 13, 2012

Kissing you

Friends always know when they need to check in on someone it seems.  Timing perfect.  A friend who I've known a couple of years sent me a text on Wednesday morning.  We aren't the friends that talk all the time, but will text here and there.  I didn't expect her to check in on me, I hadn't told her what had been happening, but she had been keeping up on the blog.

She told me that her initial instinct was cynicism, but that her true instinct was this:  

She said this reminded her of how meaningful chance encounters can be, and regardless of the outcome they are gifts of life and the living and for that we should be grateful.  

Thanks, T.J. for checking in on me.  And thinking of me.  And reminding me that even while sitting in this sadness that I have much to be thankful for.


  1. What a insightful and kind post! Happy Valentines Day friend. You are special to me. :)

  2. And YOU are special to me!! Love you and can't wait for you to visit!!
